COB Pics

Plankcore said:
Ok, that just doesn't look like horsing around to me. =P

There's definitely something going on there! =P

They have actually said it several times that they think it's fun when people think they are gay or have a relationship, so that's why they keep doing it!
i don't know if I posted this one yet,but what's better than a sweaty Henkka?:lol:

To be honest, you're all pathetic. Gay? c'mon. Both of them has girlfriends for fucks sake. And you who posted all the pics -> you have the DVD. Cant you hear what they're saying there? "We are just having fun, and when we play sometimes and the music just feels perfect, I just want to kiss someone". Something like that. I mean, c'mon dudes. GAY? omg -.-

When you're on partys and so, all drunk and stuff, dont you kiss someone? Yeh you do. I mean, a girl kiss a girl, and no one cares. Why not? "coz thats hot!!!". So? It's the same thing!!!! I think it's cute as heeeeelll when guys kiss eatchother, but only if they're NOT gay. Otherwise its kinda gross.

It's like, the hottest thing in the world when Alexi and Janne kiss eatchother :lol: So DONT try to make them stop! -.-
-[chop]- said:
Zoom? haha jag har ingen aning :p
zoom omg.. NO! :p hahaha. Slutartid är när du ställer in hur snabbt bilden ska exponeras. med lång slutartid blir bilden suddigare (om det är ett rörligt motiv) och med kort slutartid blir bilden helt klar, oavsett hur mycket motivet rör sig. Men för att kunna köra med kort exponeringstid (vilket man oftast vill när man fotograferar konserter) så måste man kompensera med bländaren för annars får kameran för lite ljus och bilden blir svart. Alltså, det är invecklat som faen.
MjauY said:
To be honest, you're all pathetic. Gay? c'mon. Both of them has girlfriends for fucks sake. And you who posted all the pics -> you have the DVD. Cant you hear what they're saying there? "We are just having fun, and when we play sometimes and the music just feels perfect, I just want to kiss someone". Something like that. I mean, c'mon dudes. GAY? omg -.-

When you're on partys and so, all drunk and stuff, dont you kiss someone? Yeh you do. I mean, a girl kiss a girl, and no one cares. Why not? "coz thats hot!!!". So? It's the same thing!!!! I think it's cute as heeeeelll when guys kiss eatchother, but only if they're NOT gay. Otherwise its kinda gross.

It's like, the hottest thing in the world when Alexi and Janne kiss eatchother :lol: So DONT try to make them stop! -.-

Yeah ok, it's ok they're not gay, maybe they'll never have a sexual experience, maybe they even not in love... but... they kissed 5 times, and maybe more, maybe 10 or 15. And if they were girl, I'm pretty sure you would say the same thing, we don't give a fuck if they kiss, but they do that each time they have a camera in front of them...

It would annoying if it would be two girl or a man and a girl, imagine each time you see or watch a Nigthwish show, Tarja kiss Tuomas ? It would be just, pointless and useless.

Anyway, that is so unimportant.

EDIT: In fact, I would never started talking of that, 'cause they can do what they want, I'm just defending a certain point.