COB Pics

MjauY said:
It's like, the hottest thing in the world when Alexi and Janne kiss eatchother :lol: So DONT try to make them stop!

Well, you say "don't try to make them stop"... not to reproach, but they're not toys or tools, they are persons, not some objects/things that have the mere function to make us having fun or making us laugh.
If they do something, anything, it's gonna be just for their fun... and obviously they have to do only what they want, without proibitions.
And then, last thing, I think that "the hottest thing in the world" is to kiss the person that you love... and that loves you back.
But these are just my opinions... so they don't count.
It's not innocence, Kevin :)... (even if I don't know what kind of innocence you're talking about)..
The fact is essentially that I believe in something, and I have to keep on believing in my personal truth, my ideals... and defend them.
In my post, which is above, I just explained my thoughts about the whole matter.
I felt the urge to say those words... that's all...
MjauY said:
And you who posted all the pics -> you have the DVD. Cant you hear what they're saying there? "We are just having fun, and when we play sometimes and the music just feels perfect, I just want to kiss someone". Something like that. I mean, c'mon dudes. GAY? omg -.-

Someone asked photos of the kiss, and I posted them. Can you see the word "gay" in my posts? No. I have never said in this topic, that Alexi and Janne are gay. And I have the DVD, so off course I know what Janne says there.
jhonnah said:
Someone asked photos of the kiss, and I posted them. Can you see the word "gay" in my posts? No. I have never said in this topic, that Alexi and Janne are gay. And I have the DVD, so off course I know what Janne says there.

well, my post wasn't meant for you though. It was meant for the person who linked like.. 5 pics.
yeeessssss... so we need more pics of henkka!

young henkka x2 (screenshots from the yay!dvd):



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MjauY said:
zoom omg.. NO! :p hahaha. Slutartid är när du ställer in hur snabbt bilden ska exponeras. med lång slutartid blir bilden suddigare (om det är ett rörligt motiv) och med kort slutartid blir bilden helt klar, oavsett hur mycket motivet rör sig. Men för att kunna köra med kort exponeringstid (vilket man oftast vill när man fotograferar konserter) så måste man kompensera med bländaren för annars får kameran för lite ljus och bilden blir svart. Alltså, det är invecklat som faen.

Jo jag märker det :erk: jag är inge duktig på kameror ^^
V. Bornebusch said:
yeeessssss... so we need more pics of henkka!

young henkka x2 (screenshots from the yay!dvd):




he looks like he's 11 in the first pic and about 15? in the second