COB Pics

From one of my works on deviant art, a slight touch-up of a recent picture:


it lookslike alexi got a new tattoo isn't it? look at his right underarm
I just realized something:

Roope: "Yo Alexi what's up, mang?"

Alexi: "I'm gonna go cry in the dark..."

why has she been in their bathroom? o_O

Oh I wonder why... :rolleyes:

I don't know, but I know that person PLASTERS herself all over any page to do with COB or where she can advertise herself of being a fan... it's ridiculous. But every band has to have it's persistent groupie that never gives up I guess.
:lol: I love that! Roope's expression is classic!

And if what you're saying is true about Miss "afro-woman" than I guess Lady Laiho's got herself some competition. :lol:
I would be sorry if these pics were already posted... I hope not. :)

Also, sorry if they're too big... I found them on SOB, they were taken during a signing session...

(Here Henkka really seems a god... maybe it's the light? :p)

I just realized something:

I don't know, but I know that person PLASTERS herself all over any page to do with COB or where she can advertise herself of being a fan... it's ridiculous. But every band has to have it's persistent groupie that never gives up I guess.

I saw a picture of her yesterday on Kylähullut's myspace site.I knew I knew her face...