COB Pics


Alexi looks like an evil witch in that pic lol
Misty you're right! Awwww, those pix of when ALexi is a kid is adorable!!!!!! Awwwwww, he looks the same though except as a kid....same eyes and smile and look at the baby clothes he's wearing. I want to hug him and kiss him and i bet he was cute when he cryed too but i don't want to seee that happen.

WTF is that afro woman!!!!!!!???? A groupie? And what was she doing in the COB bathrooom????????!!!!! ALexi better not have been in there with her!!! And guesss what, i'm not jealous. I remember the first few times when i saw chix taken pics with Alexi...i was woooo damn jealous and i practically lost controll. But now i don't give a shit anymore. I realized that those chix mean nothing to him and that he wouldn't do anything with them. I know that when i meet him, i will be the only one that means something to them. I think after the last ban, i stopped going completely insane.

I just watched Viva La Bam and saw some guy kiss Don Vito on stage. Alexi and Janne should do that! That would be hot and they can say they were drunk again since they usually are now.
No wonder he pulls off as such an American nowadays. :erk:


There's a very random one for you all... I don't know, I'm looking through my random uploads in my photobucket LOL

You know that picture's old. Check out the Sega Saturn controller!