COB Pics

80412Alexi and Janne kiss.gif


alexi is the real fag, you can see janne doesn`t want to do it but then alexi pput his hand behind jannes head and forces him to kiss him :p
alexi is the real fag, you can see janne doesn`t want to do it but then alexi pput his hand behind jannes head and forces him to kiss him :p

I think Janne was just too drunk to notice that Alexi was about to kiss him... :D Just look at that happy smile on Janne's face after it, and how he's tasting his lips ^^ *Pitiful fangirl thanks and disappears to some dark corner*
I think Janne was just too drunk to notice that Alexi was about to kiss him... :D Just look at that happy smile on Janne's face after it, and how he's tasting his lips ^^ *Pitiful fangirl thanks and disappears to some dark corner*

Yeah, I'd say the same.

Another question: Could it be that they kissed twice?
Cause in that video section Alexi puts his hand around Janne's neck and here

it's the other way round AND Alexi has his arm down.

(I know I'm a freak when it comes to deatils :heh: )

Perhaps they'll give an interview on Valentine's Day as well :lol:
They actually kissed (at least) three (or well two and a half) times. There was the kiss that we just talked about, then Alexi kissed Janne to his forehead, and then there's that one that is in the official site of Rautaryhmä.
Alright, alright, the slashers will shut up now and never talk about it again :rolleyes:

(til Janne and Alexi give us new food,which I'm sure will happen sooner or later :lol: )

p.s.: at least 2 people care so we're a group now,muhaha!:heh:
(Maybe a little off topic, but anyway) I know a lot more than two people who care...

And now I'll really shut the fuck up and disappear. Shouldn't even turn on the computer on a day that is this chaotic.
that's just gross.

But it's okay that men like seeing girls making out?:Smug:

So let us just have our fun! As far as I know we don't hurt anyone with that. (I'm not sure if there's something like eye cancer :rolleyes: )

i really hope there's no tongue action going on in there.

Who knows,who knows... Next time perhaps :rolleyes: ... I'll ask them if I'll ever see them

me:" Hey Alexi, I just wanted to know if you kiss Janne with or without tongue?"
Alexi:" :zombie: Depends on the situation"
me:" Ah okay.Thanks.!"
that's just gross. i really hope there's no tongue action going on in there.

Yeah, I agree with you.

Ok, I think that they must do what they want... so it's their choice and right, absolutely, but... the whole thing is just starting to annoy me a little, cause it's always the same thing.

Well, anyway I love them the same, with no doubt... their music is what I care more of. :)