COB Pics

if it doesn't take much of your time Iit'd be great:)

Well I am in hospital right now, I have plenty of time ;)
Here you go:

I: All right, so it´s your second time here, in Czech republic, I saw you for the first time in 2001, but it was only a club show so…tell me your impressions from fans here.
H: I mean…I thought we´ve been here more times, but anyway…last time was like six years ago, or something. We had no expectations, but then we heard that there is lot of our t-shirts going on and we kinda have the idea that it´s gonna be a good show and then we step on the stage and we saw the people and it was just really good, it feels really good to see all the people, it was really good.
I: You won a Grammy in Finland. How it comes, that band like you can win something like this?
H: I don´t know, Finland is a different country. Small place, small population, but there is a huge metal scene and whenever a big metal band puts out a record it´s usaully in top three or even top one. So in Finland it can happen.I think it´s all the same in most of the Scandinavian countries, small population, lots of metal people so I think that´s about it.
I: Hopefully one day it can be true in czech republic as well, maybe you will win the Grammy here. My next question is about…in which state of mind are you here on Masters of rock? Are you in between recording album or…?
H: Yeah, actually we´ve been touring since 2005, which is like almost 2 years and this is the last show of the tour, so it´s kinda very special for us. We´ve started writing the new songs for the new album in february and then we decided to do some festvival shows, we have like 8 festivals in total and this is the last one….the last show of the tour for the Are you dead yet? album and that´s why it´s very special for us, this is the last tour. The next show´s gonna be several month or something, we have never had a big break between the shows. Iam just very glad that we had this kind of crowd for our last show of this album tour. We are just very happy, everybody of the band is just very very happy that we have played our last show here in Czech republic.
I: Thank you very much and I cross my fingers for another good album of yours. Could you scream some message for fans at the end, beacuase you don´t need to keep your voice down for the Masters of rock fans.
H: Screaming??!!…YAOW!! (silence and funny face) I just wanna say that …Czech we will come back and it was fucking great and thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!
I: Thank you too.
Well I am in hospital right now, I have plenty of time ;)
Here you go:

I: All right, so it´s your second time here, in Czech republic, I saw you for the first time in 2001, but it was only a club show so…tell me your impressions from fans here.
H: I mean…I thought we´ve been here more times, but anyway…last time was like six years ago, or something. We had no expectations, but then we heard that there is lot of our t-shirts going on and we kinda have the idea that it´s gonna be a good show and then we step on the stage and we saw the people and it was just really good, it feels really good to see all the people, it was really good.
I: You won a Grammy in Finland. How it comes, that band like you can win something like this?
H: I don´t know, Finland is a different country. Small place, small population, but there is a huge metal scene and whenever a big metal band puts out a record it´s usaully in top three or even top one. So in Finland it can happen.I think it´s all the same in most of the Scandinavian countries, small population, lots of metal people so I think that´s about it.
I: Hopefully one day it can be true in czech republic as well, maybe you will win the Grammy here. My next question is about…in which state of mind are you here on Masters of rock? Are you in between recording album or…?
H: Yeah, actually we´ve been touring since 2005, which is like almost 2 years and this is the last show of the tour, so it´s kinda very special for us. We´ve started writing the new songs for the new album in february and then we decided to do some festvival shows, we have like 8 festivals in total and this is the last one….the last show of the tour for the Are you dead yet? album and that´s why it´s very special for us, this is the last tour. The next show´s gonna be several month or something, we have never had a big break between the shows. Iam just very glad that we had this kind of crowd for our last show of this album tour. We are just very happy, everybody of the band is just very very happy that we have played our last show here in Czech republic.
I: Thank you very much and I cross my fingers for another good album of yours. Could you scream some message for fans at the end, beacuase you don´t need to keep your voice down for the Masters of rock fans.
H: Screaming??!!…YAOW!! (silence and funny face) I just wanna say that …Czech we will come back and it was fucking great and thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!
I: Thank you too.

was he drunken?
nah,I don't think so.otherwise he wouldn't have found screaming weird,he would have just screamed and continued talkin,and he doesn't seem drunk in the pics.but who knows,maybe Henkkas is a specialist in hiding that he is drunk:lol:
I dunno but something's not right with Jaska. You know how he wanted his head covered in IYF video? He's very shy or something.
cant see youtube here :cry:

but i can post pics..and more of Henkka


yep.if you look at the CRY video,there's videos of Alexi,Janne,Roope and Henkka drunk and doing weird things,but no Jaska.the craziest thing Jaska does is be beaten in the ass by the whole crew and flip a drum stick.all his other apearances are formal ones talking about the band or how he keeps he is a bit less shy,but when he's not behind the drumset he's very very shy.even though it seems he wasn't in his early days,as can be seen in the chapter ''The early years'' on CRY,where he appears with an Entombed shirt(logo in blue) and with a really weird face,:lol: