COB Pics

Yeah, as I've said the broken neck must be a false rumor, and the guitar in the pic is Alexi's for sure (it's the same that can be seen in this vid Alexi did for Finnish TV on this programme about guitarists in which he talked about playing and at the end featured Alexi playing something weird and Downfall videoclip). I'd like to know the actual condition of the guitar anyway, :lol:
Does he have to cover the jackson sign because he is endorsed with ESP?

Dunno if he has, it could also be that he was really angry at Jackson for the way they behaved towards him (they didn't even bother to think if they could go faster knowing that Alexi had to tour and needed the guitars, they just said ''one year (like everybody else'')'' when he had promoted Jackson a lot and was a die-hard Jackson freak, :lol:).

Even though, if it was because if his anger, it was a bit useless, because the RR shape is soooo easily recognisable, :lol:, so I supose it was because of the endorsement and I supose this too will be the reason why Roope doesn't use his RRs anymore.
Dunno if he has, it could also be that he was really angry at Jackson for the way they behaved towards him (they didn't even bother to think if they could go faster knowing that Alexi had to tour and needed the guitars, they just said ''one year (like everybody else'')'' when he had promoted Jackson a lot and was a die-hard Jackson freak, :lol:)
He wasnt mad, but he had to do it because he was signed by ESP.

I do know that, but what I meant was live. He doesn't use them live anymore.
He does use them live, in a rare situation.

And did you know this:

Fenrir: Ok, here's a slightly off topic question...I know's an endorsement question, I figured I'd get an equipment question in...I know you're endorsed by ESP...if Jackson ever offered you a really sweet deal, would you ever go back to them?

Alexi: They did. They did like 3 times already .

Fenrir: Really?

Alexi: Yeah. They did. You know? the thing is, when that whole thing happened, when my guitars were stolen, they didn't give a fuck. Ok, I was never really endorsed by I have done so much stuff for Jackson, you know...promoting for free, saying 'I play Jackson guitars', on the album covers. I just got discounts from the shop, in Helsinki, were importing Jackson at that time. But anyway, when Jackson changed owners to Fender, they didn't give a fuck, and you know ESP, they just hooked me up like that. And then, it was a funny thing, when I got my ESP guitars, a guy from Jackson called me up and was like "yeah, I heard what happened, you want us to make guitars for you?" I'm like-it's too fucking late right now. You didn't give a shit back then, so fuck you.
I did know both about Roope's unusual performances with his Jacksons and about Alexi's story with Jackson.

But Roope performs 1 every 9843525 gigs with his Jackson and it's very unusual nowadays as you say (there are bootlegs and pic, but most of them are of his first days with COB, when he didn't had his custom ESP's).

About Alexi's thing, what I said about beeing angry at Jackson it was just a funny and not serious par of the post and I myself rejected it and said it would be useless because RR shape is so fucking easy to recognise. He sure was angry at Jackson because, as I had said and you posted, he didn't give a damn fuck about him when the guitars got stolen and he had done a lot of promotion for them (there's even a video of Guitar World that half of it was instructional, and the other half was a ''tour'' on Alexi's green pinstriped RR), but this sure was not the reason he sellotaped the logo.
Hmm the story is intresting...

Tobad he really Dont got a jackson again.

i could Really put a bullet in the guys head that stolen alexi's Jackson's

but hell yeah its logical that alexi got mad at the guys from jackson if those guys came so late

And did you know this:

Fenrir: Ok, here's a slightly off topic question...I know's an endorsement question, I figured I'd get an equipment question in...I know you're endorsed by ESP...if Jackson ever offered you a really sweet deal, would you ever go back to them?

Alexi: They did. They did like 3 times already .

Fenrir: Really?

Alexi: Yeah. They did. You know? the thing is, when that whole thing happened, when my guitars were stolen, they didn't give a fuck. Ok, I was never really endorsed by I have done so much stuff for Jackson, you know...promoting for free, saying 'I play Jackson guitars', on the album covers. I just got discounts from the shop, in Helsinki, were importing Jackson at that time. But anyway, when Jackson changed owners to Fender, they didn't give a fuck, and you know ESP, they just hooked me up like that. And then, it was a funny thing, when I got my ESP guitars, a guy from Jackson called me up and was like "yeah, I heard what happened, you want us to make guitars for you?" I'm like-it's too fucking late right now. You didn't give a shit back then, so fuck you.

An endorsement is basically that the company is paying you to advertise their product. And i'm almost positive that alot of the Jackson RR24/Stars get sold because of Alexi, so even if he isn't using jackson, he's still helping them sell guitars.
LoL thats a Fact !!! Aspeccialy if some real Guitar fans that know alexi had like those beautifull Old Jacksons they would buy them

now the days there are some kind of kids that say that alexi always use ESP and also say his old jacksons are ESP's :rofl:
Inhe is right, and if someone says opposite, just hang around the forum and count. I'll make a quick list out of memory:

Myself(Children Of COB): Black Red Bevels RR24
the phenom: Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
dave100: Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
Mitch(<-Warheart->): Black Yellow Bevels Jackson Stars RR
Tiago: Black Yellow Bevels Jackson Stars RR
Conti: RR (I think it was RR3 but don't remember exactly)
Fastbodom: RR ¿model?
Nazgul: RR ¿model?

And sure I forget some, but I think it's easy to see, :lol:
^haha true i never realized how many people had jackson rr's (and most of them are black with yellow bevels :lol:)
i have a Jackson RR to .
and one almost exactly the same as alexi's Old Wildchild the only thing mines have is bolt on and a Controlplate (wich i m gonna fill up and route again on the back ^^
^haha true i never realized how many people had jackson rr's (and most of them are black with yellow bevels :lol:)

:lol: I'm the original one here, :) No, in fact I remember there was someone else who had a red beveled one, but I don't remember who and I think he is not usually in the forum, so yeah, atm I'm the only one who has one lke that and posts usually, :lol:

i have a Jackson RR to .
and one almost exactly the same as alexi's Old Wildchild the only thing mines have is bolt on and a Controlplate (wich i m gonna fill up and route again on the back ^^

sorry i didnt read the last 2 pages so i didnt know what are you talking about..i just have little free time in the day to be in the web (with not work purpose) and weekends are for partty :kickass:

and pics?? ..those were taken from Patric Ullaeus myspace so you can find them there too, and some were used for promo in Spinefarm page..if were posted before, maybe i didnt see them coz maybe were poted in imageshack and that page is blocked here

one the last one..a pic with the man who own all the Credits