COB Pics

Found this pic a couple of weeks ago... I think it's one of the cutest pics I've ever seen. :oops:


Oooh, thanks a lot, that made my day! :oops:

Yeah, I've had 4 RRs so far, still have 2. And I have a custom shop on order. They actually built it two weeks ago and I got pics and all, but they fucked up the finish and it is going back to factory soon and I'll have to wait for another month and a half before I get it :mad:.

Looking forward to that OT thread with RRs.

Sorry for being OT here....

Nice pic there with Alexi and kid!
:erk: im shorther than him..but i didnt take a pic with him yet XD

ok..another the promo of Duncan..well i scan it but it looks like shit so i took a pic of it with my camera :lol: and this is the result ..

i will try to find the original in the net :p
^Thanks for the Seymour Duncan pic. when was it taken? (Yes, please find it.:) )

And are you sure you're actually shorter than Allu? (I'm about same to very slightly shorter, by the way. And he's a lttle less than 170cm.)
haha really im less that 1.68 :lol:..the picture is recent it apears in the last revolver mag. there is also a little report of the album, not so much interesting, i will post it later