COB Pics

Great pic, Silent_night!

I did some snooping for Sinergy photos today... this is what I found (sorry if they've been up before)






And afew more in here;
haha really im less that 1.68 :lol:..the picture is recent it apears in the last revolver mag. there is also a little report of the album, not so much interesting, i will post it later

I ´m girl (yes, you surely notice that about my nick:p) and I´m 162-163 cm.:loco:
And it seems I don´t grew up much more.:Smug:
And you´re not short, dear.:)

By the way thanks great pics once again!

And Alexi said in some Finnish interview (it is in this topic, don´t ask what page, please)that he is 170 cm.
well then we are almost the same high :Smug: but im too old to grew up more :lol: well at least is one of the most short finnish i know, if someday i get a pic with him it will not look so weird one i took with Lauri Porra :lol:

I ´m girl (yes, you surely notice that about my nick:p) and I´m 162-163 cm.:loco:
And it seems I don´t grew up much more.:Smug:
And you´re not short, dear.:)

By the way thanks great pics once again!

And Alexi said in some Finnish interview (it is in this topic, don´t ask what page, please)that he is 170 cm.
Those are great, Valkokukka, thanx! Btw, what does "Saatanan salarakas" mean?

It means Satan's secret lover. Term salarakas = secret lover is quite popular in Finnish gossip magazines and that makes shirt quite funny (hard to explain, it doesn't sound so funny in English...)