COB Pics

Inhe is right, and if someone says opposite, just hang around the forum and count. I'll make a quick list out of memory:

Myself(Children Of COB): Black Red Bevels RR24
the phenom: Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
dave100: Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
Mitch(<-Warheart->): Black Yellow Bevels Jackson Stars RR
Tiago: Black Yellow Bevels Jackson Stars RR
Conti: RR (I think it was RR3 but don't remember)

And sure I forget some, but I think it's easy to see, :lol:

Nazgul ;)
Well, I'll add Nazgul and Fastbodom to the list, but then tell me the model too, if not it's incomplete :lol:

I could create a thread in the OT where every RR/ESP Alexi owner posts pics of his. I'll do it, it can be funny to have a compilation of all.
Found this pic a couple of weeks ago... I think it's one of the cutest pics I've ever seen. :oops:

Inhe is right, and if someone says opposite, just hang around the forum and count. I'll make a quick list out of memory:

Myself(Children Of COB): Black Red Bevels RR24
the phenom: Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
dave100: Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
Mitch(<-Warheart->): Black Yellow Bevels Jackson Stars RR
Tiago: Black Yellow Bevels Jackson Stars RR
Conti: RR (I think it was RR3 but don't remember exactly)
Fastbodom: RR ¿model?
Nazgul: RR ¿model?

And sure I forget some, but I think it's easy to see, :lol:

forgot me... same as phenom... :p