COB Pics

But Alexi is sexy. And to be honest not that far from a woman. :lol:

Heh, I remember some time ago, someone on this forum jokingly asked (paraphrased): "Is Alexi a boy or a girl?". I think it was Zsuzsa who replied (paraphrased): "A bit of both".

Good times, good times...:)

OMG Allu is a hermaphrodite!!!!!111111:lol:
Only because Alexi dresses up as a woman from time to time... or makes out with males... or resembles Sandra Bullock (according to^^:


He's so manly... :grin:
Really fantastic pics in this topic, have now looked at them until page 180.
If you're interested i can scan one little picture of Alexi that was in the last Metal Hammer.