COB Pics

Ah, I totally forgot that I have a few really shitty mobile phone pics from the Astoria gig/London signing.

But hey, pictures are pictures, might as well share them.






Thanks Swabs, those weren't bad at all. You were really close to the front, or even in the front row, weren't you? I wish my mobile phone took photos with the same quality as yours, :lol: I was going to upload pics from Destruction and Vader in a COBOT review but I got that pissed about pics that dropped the whole idea :erk:
Yup, I saw them, and opinion is not bad but not great. I mean, show was great, and they played cool and I was front row and everything, and they played Raining Blood too, BUT they took out of the set (and they were printed in the setlist) This Is The War and Lead Us and What Colour Is Your Blood wasn't even included in the setlist, and is my favourite song. But anyway, it was not bad. The played Shadowsfear, Hallelluhaj, Sothis, etc...

Devian and Septic Flesh made awesome sets too.

I think that my problem was that 4 days before I had seen Destruction play a fucking awesome gig so the level was really high and Vader didn't get that high, but it was still :kickass: and well worth the 15€ I paid. Although, has to be said, Mauser (2nd guitar) is a fucking asshole. I asked him for a pick and he started ranting in polish, :lol:
Ah, I totally forgot that I have a few really shitty mobile phone pics from the Astoria gig/London signing.

But hey, pictures are pictures, might as well share them.







Dude, they're my pics. It was with a digital camera but I had the quality on low and was hurrying 'cause the security were all over us at that point.
Dude, they're my pics. It was with a digital camera but I had the quality on low and was hurrying 'cause the security were all over us at that point.



That means my friend who put them on myspace lied to me :erk:

I went with him to the gig so when I saw his "CoB" folder I was like "He took pics? I'll share em" :lol: I even said to him "Do you mind if I share you're CoB pics on the CoB forums?" and he was like "nah go for it"

Wait so how did he get them? I know for a fact that he doesnt even know exists wtf :lol:
Well I posted them here and they're on my Myspace too so maybe he somehow found them on there, but even then, how did he find my myspace? I don't even know him. :lol:


That means my friend who put them on myspace lied to me :erk:

I went with him to the gig so when I saw his "CoB" folder I was like "He took pics? I'll share em" :lol: I even said to him "Do you mind if I share you're CoB pics on the CoB forums?" and he was like "nah go for it"

Wait so how did he get them? I know for a fact that he doesnt even know exists wtf :lol:

so in a sense you lied that they were your pics,from YOUR MOBILE PHONE PFFT?!?!:mad: