COB Pics

Do you feel that I should stop with that?
No but you should stop saying that your own video is good when it has nothing personal. There is at least kazillion similar videos on JewTube and most of them are made with much more effort (which isn't after all very much).
No but you should stop saying that your own video is good when it has nothing personal. There is at least kazillion similar videos on JewTube and most of them are made with much more effort (which isn't after all very much).

You're a sad little man ...
Is that only rumours or its true that Jaska has cut his hair ? If so, i want a photo :)


From the facebook album In tampere .:grin:
No, then they just want something else. You don't need long hair to be in a metal band. Although it looks cool (most of the times)
The hair doesn't make the music better, but if a metal artist cuts his hair you might get suspicious if the artist is in it with all his heart anymore. Alexi cutting his hair short would cut some of the nostalgy away for sure. Wonder if long hair is in the entire band's contract, not sure how many would still wear a long hair if COB didn't exist. Such stupid discussion tho. :)