COB Pics

COBHC Webmaster said:
You'll find a link to 7 new pics of this North American tour in the next COBHC newsletter which will be sent in the next days. So better register right now!

Glad I'm already registered! Can't wait! ;)
Bebli said:


fuck.. he looks like a monkey or something :D :erk:
Bebli said:

Hey Bebli, where did you find that picture? It's from the Chicago show and i've been looking for pictures from there, but the only ones that i could find were super-small...:yuk: ..?!
@Teh Henkka piccies...finafuckinmglly a bass player gettin some attention. YES WE ARE RETARDED:p AND YES WE WILL KICK YOUR ASSES!:hotjump:
Does anyone have pictures from the Minneapolis show on 11-16-05?
Apo said:
Hey Bebli, where did you find that picture? It's from the Chicago show and i've been looking for pictures from there, but the only ones that i could find were super-small...:yuk: ..?!

Here: :D

Okay guys, I'm feeling sooo guilty for puting everyone laughing at Henkka's face and saying he looks like a monkey (maybe we fi«ound out why they used to call him Ape... lol), that I felt the urge to do this....

Just look at this cute face...

This pics just prove he's one of the sexiest (and interesting, though u can't see that in any of the pics, obviously) men alive! :oops:
Noble Viking said:
^ I bet you read that one interview were Alexi was asked.....

" What's the craziest rumor you've ever heard?"

Alexi - "Probably that I've had a FULL BLOWN gay relationship with Janne" :lol:

that just sucks! those people are sick! he is a man! :erk:
oceanqueen44 said:
Bebli, not to worry about anything. I am sure if Henkka saw the pic, he'd laugh too. Someone posted a few pics on the cob myspace page: (in the comments box)

Maybe u're right... Thx for cheering me up! :tickled:
Which pics??

Shagoroth said:
@Bebli: have you got those pics in fullsize?
Nope, sorry... That's the biggest version I have from those 2... Unfortunately... :(