COB Pics

You show me a picture, where Henkka DOESNT look hot :p

I couldn't agree more :lol:
Janne is now so cute when he's a little bit chubbier. <3 I wouldn't want that too thin Janne back. And actually Jannes belly was not that big anymore at Tuska Open Air and Ruisrock, if I saw right.

Look at this. It's from Tuska. (C) by me.

Thought the same, on that COBTV he doesn't look fat, I think he lost some weight. On this photo it looks much worse than on the one above:

(Even though they all look kinda strange here :ill: )
Doesn't seem very old,he has his hair shorter and dark in the vid,but who knows. Also thought he had a girlfriend,maybe that was her?
:lol: to that video. Alexi: BUSTED!! I think he is drunk and that girl is taking him somewhere else, like to the other COB guys or something like that. I dont think that she was Alexis girlfriend etc.
Kinda has to be a recent video, probably from Unholy Alliance or sth, and no, he wasn't wasted in my opinion.
His girlfriend? Don't know, seemed like some frined or one of the staff but they don't seem to be too intimate at that moment. Ask him next time you see him :)
Time to upload some more pics. Some of those might have been here already, dunno...


Isn't that one cute?


I love Alexi's tongue... :D


This is from Sinergy, I think, but I'm not 100 per cent sure.



Rockstars do have a hard life, don't they...?:lol:


Yeah, this is a screenshot from the dvd. He just looks so cute in it.


I don't think I have every said this about a pic in here but this pic is awesome