COB T Shirts?

<-Warheart-> said:
After reading soem of your posts on there, I start to wonder whether you're Lady Laiho...:zombie:


please before saying something like that read all the shit I've written for about 2 years about The Rasmus... and I act like a teenie on The Rasmus forum because it's a forum for teenies... since most rasmus fans are teenies.

see, that was written more than 1 year ago, back when I didn't know CoB... and although I hate to read what I wrote, I did write it so if it can convince you that I am not Lady Laiho then read it.
"No topics or posts met your search criteria"


Anyway, chill, I just messing about, I know you're not LL.
To everyone that said something about me and Alexi: me talking about Alexi? Look at you people! You're the ones talking about my obsession with him. There's 5 pages of it since i replyed last!
Yeah, i would have cyber sex with him! HEll YEAH i would! It would be just awsome talking to him over the internet! That would already kill me so cyber sex would be the next best thing to actually meeting him. I LOVE those pics but i'v seen mostly every single one of them. The only one i don't have is the live pic. All the rest are so awsome, LOL, Alexi cracks me up. He's amazing. I don't only like him cuz of his hotness, but i love him cuz everything about him is amazing! If username kissed Alexi, I'd kill her. You better not lay a single finger on him! Pfff...none of you didn't even find the interview that said he had a so called gf. That's becuz it doesn't exist!

Ok, so I figured out about COB five years ago when i was 12 years old. I was never in love with Alexi until i was 14 years old becuz before i wasn't a excessive metal listener. But when i was 14, i not only listened to metal, but i had to find out a lot of stuff on bands and research them. Then i found out everything about Alexi and my obsession started. Now i'v loved him for 4 years and i'm not gonna stop. He's the only one that is that amazing. It feels like i already know him. No one else is as special to me as he is. So to I Am Cadanian: Even if he wanted me just for the physical attraction, i don't care. As long as i get him, that's all that matters. And if he got to know me better, he'd fall in love with me.

LOL, i like Janne. He's awssome. I think him and Alexi kissing is hot.