COB T Shirts?

Lady_Laiho said:
Yeah, i would have cyber sex with him! HEll YEAH i would! It would be just awsome talking to him over the internet! That would already kill me so cyber sex would be the next best thing to actually meeting him. I LOVE those pics but i'v seen mostly every single one of them. The only one i don't have is the live pic. All the rest are so awsome, LOL, Alexi cracks me up. He's amazing. I don't only like him cuz of his hotness, but i love him cuz everything about him is amazing! If username kissed Alexi, I'd kill her. You better not lay a single finger on him! Pfff...none of you didn't even find the interview that said he had a so called gf. That's becuz it doesn't exist!

Ok, so I figured out about COB five years ago when i was 12 years old. I was never in love with Alexi until i was 14 years old becuz before i wasn't a excessive metal listener. But when i was 14, i not only listened to metal, but i had to find out a lot of stuff on bands and research them. Then i found out everything about Alexi and my obsession started. Now i'v loved him for 4 years and i'm not gonna stop. He's the only one that is that amazing. It feels like i already know him. No one else is as special to me as he is. So to I Am Cadanian: Even if he wanted me just for the physical attraction, i don't care. As long as i get him, that's all that matters. And if he got to know me better, he'd fall in love with me.

LOL, i like Janne. He's awssome. I think him and Alexi kissing is hot.

:ill: :Puke::zombie:
:lol: stop that shit xD

<-Warheart-> said:
Someone, seriously find that motherfucking interview where it says he has a gf, she needs to shut the fuck up.

I know an interview where he says this but it is in german and I don't think she believes in it when it will be translated. :erk:
Viha said:
I know an interview where he says this but it is in german and I don't think she believes in it when it will be translated. :erk:

I've read one that's in English where he says it though...

Maybe it was the translated version or something.
<-Warheart-> said:
I've read one that's in English where he says it though...

Maybe it was the translated version or something.



Alexi: Also, ich habe eine Freundin und ich liebe sie. Ich denke, Liebe ist ein ebenso starkes Gefühl wie Haß. Liebe ist schließlich genau das Gegenteil und ohne Haß gäbe es auch keine Liebe...



Alexi: So, ich have a girlfriend and I love her. I think, love is a strong feeling just much as hate. Love is after all the opposite and without there would be no love...

(I know my english is bad:rolleyes: )
Viha said:


Alexi: Also, ich habe eine Freundin und ich liebe sie. Ich denke, Liebe ist ein ebenso starkes Gefühl wie Haß. Liebe ist schließlich genau das Gegenteil und ohne Haß gäbe es auch keine Liebe...



Alexi: So, ich have a girlfriend and I love her. I think, love is a strong feeling just much as hate. Love is after all the opposite and without there would be no love...

(I know my english is bad:rolleyes: )

that's cool then, Alexi found himself someone :)

but I still think the gf is actually a bf named Janne Wirman. :lol:
Viha said:


Alexi: Also, ich habe eine Freundin und ich liebe sie. Ich denke, Liebe ist ein ebenso starkes Gefühl wie Haß. Liebe ist schließlich genau das Gegenteil und ohne Haß gäbe es auch keine Liebe...



Alexi: So, ich have a girlfriend and I love her. I think, love is a strong feeling just much as hate. Love is after all the opposite and without there would be no love...

(I know my english is bad:rolleyes: )

No, it wasn't that.

It was something like:

Yeah, I have a girlfriend who I live with in Finland.

I can't remember it too well.
NO, it's not. That interview is made up. It's made up!

Bullet:LOL, yeah, but could be better than two hot Finnish guys kissing!
^no, i'll say whatever i want! If that interview is really there, how come it's impossible to find!?

And that first interview, i think i'v read that one. i'm not sure, but it sounds familiar. It wasn't about a differnt girl .
I know what I read, bitch.

"ME(Natali):Let's say that you're going on the abandoned island,and name 3 things,which you would take with you! guitar defenetley,the biggiest bottle of alchocol....Like big,big,big Jack Daniels...and...yeah...probably my girlfriend!"

"HENNKA BLACKSMITH: No one is married, but people have girlfriends and stuff. Actually three of the guys live together with their girlfriends and &#8230;yeah, a pretty normal life. No one has kids or anything so it&#8217;s pretty easy &#8211;so far &#8211;to be on tour."