COB T Shirts?

Lady_Laiho said:
Username: FUCK YOU BITCH!!!!!! Stay the fuck away from my precious Alexi. I mean it! I wouldn't ever give him up to anyone. YOu lay one finger on him, and i'll rip your fuckin head off!!!!!
Lady_Laiho said:
HE DOENS'T HAVE A GF!!!!!!!!!!!!!*screams my head off*
Lady_Laiho said:
NO, NO, NO, NO.!!!!! He doesn't have a gf. I refuse to believe it. The thought of that is never gonna stick in my head. It won't!
WTF did you just say about Alexi!!!!!!???? I hope you burn in seven layers of hell. DOn't ever say a single bad thing about Alexi! He's the best...much better than you are , you ass-licking, cock-sucking, shit-eating, fucktard!
nothing would be funnier than for her to find out what one of the people she tore into on here was really Alexi. I'm sure from her posts he knows what a fucked in the head nutjob she is. No guy would ever want to deal with someone who has that many issues.. not even worth a cheap lay
Hey Guys a quick introduction ( im new to these forums) i am a 2 year CoB fan i have been to 2 shows( not many i know) i went to there are you dead yet show in Rhode island but didnt buy the shirt. can anyone tell me if this shirt has rhode island on it?

Lol Warheart VERY informative >_>. thanks anyways guys im gonna wait for a few more responses then make a decision on the one with tour dates or the one with

Shift_aws said:
Hey Guys a quick introduction ( im new to these forums) i am a 2 year CoB fan i have been to 2 shows( not many i know) i went to there are you dead yet show in Rhode island but didnt buy the shirt. can anyone tell me if this shirt has rhode island on it?


I have that shirt,but I can't find it. Look on for previous tour dates.