CoB theme


Lazy bum.
Jun 9, 2006
I made a couple of CoB themed icons today (one is the FTR album cover, the other is the HCDR album cover). I've thought about making a cursor, but haven't yet. I'll probably make some more icons based on the covers of the other albums, and then maybe tie it all into a big Bodom Windows XP theme (using an existing wallpaper) if I can.

Anyway, I haven't made a cursor yet, so should I, and if so, what should I do? I thought of doing a scythe, (I guess that's as Bodom themed as it gets), or maybe a flying V guitar cursor. I dunno. Any ideas are definitely welcome.

You can download the icons here:
follow the reaper icon
hatecrew deathroll icon

They're about 35 KB each, and they both support multiple resolutions/color depths, (though I'd recommend either 64 x 64 Windows XP or 32 x 32 Windows XP).

Tell me if you like 'em, (or if you don't), but don't try to view them in IE, because when I did, it made it almost microscopic, just download 'em and look at them that way, it's much better.

Oh, one other thing, should I have posted this thread in the off-topic forum? I thought so at first, but it does have to do with Children of Bodom, so I wasn't sure. Sorry if I misplaced it.
It's in the right forum.

What exactly are the icons used for/with?

And for a cursor, I think a scythe would be great. :)
That's fuckin awsome!!!!!!!! Yeah, i have a Bodom themed wallpaper too. I made it myself. It's like 20 pics of Alexi so everytime i turn on my computer, there my man is! I will never forget him. Yeah, definetly make the scythe as your cursor. Either that or a reaper with the scythe.
Bucket Banger: SO! I have a better chance than you ever will. If Alexi had to choose between the two of us, he'd choose me and if he doesn't i'll make him.
It's in the right forum.

What exactly are the icons used for/with?

And for a cursor, I think a scythe would be great. :)

You could assign the icons to anything, I guess. It could be system folders/whatever like My Computer, My Documents, Recycle Bin, etc. or just a file type like .bmp files or .mp3.

If I made a theme, I could use the 5 album covers as My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places, Recycle Bin Empty, and Recycle Bin Full, but there could be other stuff too. I don't know. Right now, those two icons are all I've got, but I'm making the other album cover icons right now and I'll upload them in a few minutes. I was thinking if I did a scythe cursor, I'd try to have it swing when you clicked, or at least swing for the busy cursor (instead of the hourglass). If I did a guitar, then maybe the whammy bar would move or something, but I don't know how well that would show up.

Sorry, Lady Laiho, but a Reaper with a scythe would just be too hard to do in a cursor, but I would if I could.
Well, I lied. . . I'll just upload the rest of the stuff tomorrow. I completely forgot about a report that's due tomorrow morning. Ughhh. . . Anyway, I did finish the rest of the album icons (and re-made the FTR icon) and I also made icons for Alexi's guitars (white and black). The problem is that I made guitar icons when I meant to make cursors. Oh well, maybe I'll just convert them if I can. I'm going to start the scythe cursor tomorrow too.

I just had a thought: whenever I make this a theme, should I include sounds? I've downloaded themes before, and the sounds just about drove me nuts, so I was thinking of not including any except for maybe logon and logoff sounds (hmmm. . .intro to Red Light in My Eyes pt. 2?), and possibly a notification/warning sound (for that I was thinking either a harmonic or a quick "yow") for the frequent and wonderful windows errors.

Anyway, talk to you guys (and whoever else) tomorrow. Bye!
Bucket Banger: SO! I have a better chance than you ever will. If Alexi had to choose between the two of us, he'd choose me and if he doesn't i'll make him.

I have grown tired of having pointless arguments with you. I'm going to go to a party and actually get with someone, rather than just fantasizing about someone who does not even know who I am nor cares about me.
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I have grown tired of having pointless arguments with you. I'm going to go to a party and actually get with someone, rather than just fantasizing about someone who does not even know who I am nor cares about me.


and that's the money shot right there. pwned
I have grown tired of having pointless arguments with you. I'm going to go to a party and actually get with someone, rather than just fantasizing about someone who does not even know who I am nor cares about me.

Nice one!!

@Lady shut your alexi ob fucking sesness..for the sake of us all ktnx!!!
Merrild: And how would you know if i were ugly or not? Alexi will love me no matter what and you know it.

Cbb2: how can you make the recycle bin and all that Cob themed? Do you need a special program to do that or what?
*ignores lady_laiho's posts* i could make a bodom computer theme but you gotta pm me if you're that desperate
Cbb2: how can you make the recycle bin and all that Cob themed? Do you need a special program to do that or what?

No, you can just right click your desktop, click "Properties", (or you can go through the control panel to "Display Properties") and click on the "Desktop" tab. Then all you have to do is click on the button below the wallpaper list that says "Customize Desktop." This will bring up another window with the windows icons you currently have on your desktop (this only includes My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places, the Recycle Bin (empty) and the Recycle Bin (full). Anyway, just pick one and browse to an icon file.

What's cool about a theme is that it has all the icons, cursors, the wallpaper, sounds, etc. packaged into one file and when you apply the theme, it automatically applies its settings to your computer, so you don't have to go and take a bunch of files and set them as different things yourself. Personally, I don't use themes very much, but I still like the fact that all of the files are packaged together, so if you want to use them separately, you can rename the theme file to a .zip and then extract all of the files from it.