COB tribute bands,from all over the world

Hey people???
What's up??
I haven't been here for a long time.I'm sorry...
Gigs,new songs and that's stuff...
Dark PreacherS is recording a promo-album and a video so I will be happy to attached it when it gets finished!
BTW I can't wait new COB album!!
If there are any wishes about our COB tribute live videos,let me know!
see ya!
W'ere actually starting a COB cover band. At the moment , we are 4 ( keybaord , 2 guitars , base ). We're looking for a drummer , which is really hard to find hehe...We actually know about 25 songs ( me and my keyboardist ) and we plan on playing about 20 live , our best songs. Anyways , COB FTW!
The biggest COB tribute band is "black Widow" I think,they released an album,it was really good,their guitarist played some awesome leads in lake Bodom,I've never been able to find it again though
I really don't like the idea of a tribute band for a band that is still alive and going....
Hey people???
What's up??
I haven't been here for a long time.I'm sorry...
Gigs,new songs and that's stuff...
Dark PreacherS is recording a promo-album and a video so I will be happy to attached it when it gets finished!
BTW I can't wait new COB album!!
If there are any wishes about our COB tribute live videos,let me know!
see ya!

just go ahead and put all of your stuff up dude, you gotta do like a Children of Decadence cover or a chokehold cover, now those would be some badass songs to hear being covered
Swabs- I really think that every band which is on the begining should start as tribute band. But i don't like an idea that after a few years of gig,band is still playing tribute!!That's sucks...

Hm.... :) we(Dark PreacherS) were thinking about that idea for the long time....I yes,you're right....we should be do that....Because,Children of Decadence is a hard song for playing, and even COB is not playing it often... Soon,i will attach more clips....stay metal!