I will take you up on that offer mate, but not for this song because I didn't save the tracks, I just deleted the whole CEP session when I'd saved the mp3.

I'll record the intro of a Murderdolls song or something and upload it. :)

Funny thing : I like Muderdolls :D

Yeah, to the whole amp thing:

A well miced up GOOD amp with a GOOD cab with a GOOD mic in a GOOD room recorded by a GOOD engineer will beat the living shit out of anything, and because pro producers are usually good (except rick rubin and his squad of jewish workerbees maybe), cabs are still miced up (although reamped most of the time).
For someone that doesn't have one of the things stated above its usually not helpfull to use a real amp.
But the amp is really not the most important factor.
With an alteast 2x12 V30 cab and two sm57s you can make a MG100HDFX(!) sound pretty good for metal, but you can't do that with a crappy cab.

But in the end it all comes down to opinions again, its music, no techical science :D
A well miced up GOOD amp with a GOOD cab with a GOOD mic in a GOOD room recorded by a GOOD engineer will beat the living shit out of anything, and because pro producers are usually good (except rick rubin and his squad of jewish workerbees maybe), cabs are still miced up (although reamped most of the time).

I wouldnt say that. And even if its done that way, it has nothing to do with the "Digi" vs ''Real'' Amp topic.

And you are a bad german.
^ that made me lol.

to all those saying that this was my best song yet, thank you; but I think you guys mean that this is my best recording in terms of mixing. As Lowberg said, it's all about the EQing so I tried some shit out with the EQs and I think that has helped with the sound.
But yeah, composition-wise I've definitely done better.

I have yet to listen carefully to everyone's songs. But from my quick run thru of it, I definitely agree that we should try to get one person to do all the mixing/mastering. It would sound like a more solid album.
I wouldnt say that. And even if its done that way, it has nothing to do with the "Digi" vs ''Real'' Amp topic.

And you are a bad german.

I would always prefer real amps but I have to admit that you can do as good as or better productions with programs like Revalver, Nebula (some great impulse files like ownhammer) and Superior Drummer if your are a real pro in tweak things.

Wirf doch mal nen Blick auf meine Drums!
I would always prefer real amps but I have to admit that you can do as good as or better productions with programs like Revalver, Nebula (some great impulse files like ownhammer) and Superior Drummer if your are a real pro in tweak things.

Wirf doch mal nen Blick auf meine Drums!

I dunno I just love recording things with mics so I hate working with stuff like that. (well vst drums are cool :D)

JAU sorry mach ich auch noch, haste vll. aber nochma alles trocken? Also alles ohne hall usw.? Und n ganzer Song (also alles zusammen) wäre cooler, die Verhätlnisse zu den anderen Instrumenten hab ich immer ganz gerne wenn ich die Drums mische, zumal das auch sonst echt doof is :D
Hätte das alles schon früher gemacht, abr wie gesagt, viel Uni, viel recorden, usw
Jo, kann dir morgen alles nochmal ohne jegliche Effekte schicken. Hab allerdings nur noch Bass. Gitarren hab ich noch nich aufgenommen...brauch da erstmal noch nen ordentlichen Ton.
Yeah so I stopped checking the thread cause I've essentially left here meaning that neither mine nor The Butt's songs got on this album but eh, I might just do his in time for the next one, and I'm recording the song I was originally gonna do for this in a few weeks so that WILL be on the next one I swear, I've already been shit with this for two albums :lol:


Jose: Awesome song, and a really cool intro-wait-This song isn't in D standard/Drop C? :kickass::kickass: nice to see a change from the usual here haha. Really cool melodies, song just sounds really nice, melodic, good to the ear, I guess. And you need to give yourself more credit, you're a fantastic player. Production was not standout imho, but tone was really good considering you were using an Epiphone (iirc?)

Mart: Your song was probably the one I was waiting most anxiously to hear on account of you being a fucking god tier composer, and I was not let down. True, the F minor key (DERP I KNOW G MINOR IN FULL STEP DOWN) that you tend to use (and I am 100% homosex for) was absent, but there were some funky-ass riffs and fantastic harmonising, and the awesome phrygian undertones in the solo were great.

GR1M V1OL1NZ: Better than your last song (but wtf rape screams? at beginning :lol:), more upbeat definitely and your vocals have improved. Production, be it mixing/mastering whatever let it down, sounded like it was recorded in a tin can with tin cans with guitars and violins made of tin cans but still a good-sounding song, and original to say the very least. You're not the most agreeable of people (I even blocked you derp) but you're definitely carving out an interesting niche dude, keep at it :)

Zirkonflex0r: Really cool and totally in-your-face, perhaps a tiny bit let down by the lack of evil-ness and lack of solo that were both present in the last one but it was definitely solid, and holy motherfuck your tone rocks dude. Blast beats made me bang my head too. Re-release this song with the solos that didn't make this cut and I'd totally buy it full price with cash from my seven string fund, you can also totally master all my band's shit forever :lol:

Mitch: You need to change your name to Admiral Awesome or something so you have more confidence, everything you write is epicness of the greatest magnitude. And when you promised Ensi his diminished arpeggios you weren't screwing around! Millions of them flying all over the place, you think you're Jeff Loomis eh? Jizz moments: 2:40-3:24, 4:42-end. Only downside: Needs 2 more minutes of wanking at the end.

Twisha: Not any better or worse than your song from Vol. III imho, but production is definitely a step up. Really nice harmony starting 1:20, and I LOVE how audible the bass is, reminds me of Obscura :kickass: Awesome lyrics, sound somewhat like mine even (I swear, even though I suck that doesn't mean yours are bad though) Good job eveningninja (STRONGMAN) on the vocals too, really sounded piercing!

Grim and frostbitten black metal from the icy wastes of Northern Norway, as it should be. The Norse Gods of old smile upon your trveness. Riff at 1:01 sounded like a thousand kinds of win-*listens till the end* fuck that, all the riffs are gold, I love this! And the lyrics are actually really cool too, grim but in a decidedly profound sense, and I LOVE the lyrics in the last two verses. Well done for someone new here!

LIZARD PISS: Well I already knew how this was gonna sound, music is solid (ESPECIALLY 1:57-1:59/2:06-2:08 SEEING AS I WROTE THAT BAR HURR DURR) throughout all the sections, and you're definitely way better at transitions than you give yourself credit for. The real surprise here was the vocals, PURE win throughout (did Burgerman's singer end up doing power metal vox or someone else? not sure), black metal screams were gr1m and oh God. Metalcore section. I shat myself laughing, showed it to some friends, they shat their pants laughing. "THEY LAUGH AT MEEEEE" Great stuff dude!

well done you derps, now go get drunk like the legally adult fuckers you are, you did good :kickass: <3<3<3

Yeah, that and the Roland cube is also like the most badass amp for it's size ever lol.

This, I <3 mine
Better than your last song (but wtf rape screams? at beginning ), more upbeat definitely and your vocals have improved. Production, be it mixing/mastering whatever let it down, sounded like it was recorded in a tin can with tin cans with guitars and violins made of tin cans but still a good-sounding song, and original to say the very least. You're not the most agreeable of people (I even blocked you derp) but you're definitely carving out an interesting niche dude, keep at it

Thanks for the feedback. If you think the mix is bad, you should've heard the first mix haha. I had someone else to do the vocals this time around, too, since I'm just no good at it. Was a pain in the ass to get the guy to do it properly, but a bunch of beer and lots of repetition did the job I think.

Also, that's supposed to be stabbing sounds haha. I was going to find a better soundclip but never got to it.
LIZARD PISS: Lowburg did all the vocals, Derpsicle did the black metal ones, and strongmanAZNpowerbuffmanmichael did the very last bit of vocals along with lowburger.

Mitch, the lyrics are pretty fucking awesome, ain't they? haha :lol:
I wouldnt say that. And even if its done that way, it has nothing to do with the "Digi" vs ''Real'' Amp topic.

And you are a bad german.

Versteh ich nicht :D
Meinst du wegen den Juden oder was ?

Reampen sieht man aber echt immer mehr.
In jedem Band "In the Studio" Vid hört man echt nurnoch "Doesn't matter anyways because were gonna reamp the shit".
Und es ist ja auch echt klasse wenn man beim Einspielen nicht drauf achten miss ob einer gegens Mikro rennt oder einer mal eben nen andern Sound fürn solo am Head einstellt.
Hat natürlich nicht direkt was mit der Digital-Echt Diskussion zu tun, aber man lässt sich wenn man Digital anfängt halt bei Möglichkeiten offen, das wollte ich damit sagen.
Yeah i had to pretty much punch myself in the balls for the power metal vocals

I'm a baritone, borderline bass as far as singing goes

Pretty impressive, considering most of it is right at the breaking point.
Versteh ich nicht :D
Meinst du wegen den Juden oder was ?

Reampen sieht man aber echt immer mehr.
In jedem Band "In the Studio" Vid hört man echt nurnoch "Doesn't matter anyways because were gonna reamp the shit".
Und es ist ja auch echt klasse wenn man beim Einspielen nicht drauf achten miss ob einer gegens Mikro rennt oder einer mal eben nen andern Sound fürn solo am Head einstellt.
Hat natürlich nicht direkt was mit der Digital-Echt Diskussion zu tun, aber man lässt sich wenn man Digital anfängt halt bei Möglichkeiten offen, das wollte ich damit sagen.

2.Spart halt einfach Zeit, bzw bietet es einem mehr Freiraum und Möglichkeiten. Also das reampen. Ob jetzt der Pc das Gitarren signal an den amp gibt oder der Gitarrist selber is ja egal.