Well, COBOT, I have a dilemma. Hopefully someone is able to assist me.

I got a shiny new Windows 7 machine today! However, I tried to re-acquire Guitar Pro 5.2 + RSE packs... but the key provided in the .txt file no longer works. :/ Tried a keygen and Ad-Aware detected a trojan.

Should I try to seek out GP6? Or an older version of GP5? And if so, does anybody know any clean/working links (basically, where did you get yours)?
Hmm, did you try TPB torrent? Also, sometimes anti-virus programs detect viruses when they aren't present. This is especially true for uncertified .exe files written in basic code.

I've had trouble getting GP5 working on some machines, but never managed to figure out WTF is wrong. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Installing GP6 isn't worth it IMO since it's even more of a bitch to get working, and you also can't export files in .gp5 and below, meaning people who don't have GP6 can't view your tabs properly. It's a nice program overall, but the compatibility problem is too much of a pain in the ass, since nobody else seems to use GP6 from what I've seen.

See if you can get GP5 up and running. If not, maybe use something like TuxGuitar until you figure it out.
I just wanted to say that you guys/gals did a great job on the new COBOT album. I was not expecting it to be as awesome as it was. Great stuff by all!!

I really am hoping to see some tabs for these songs as I would really like to learn some of them.

Also, made me D/L all the other COBOT albums. great stuff. Really getting me motivated to start writing more of my own material.

Can someone re upload COBOT album 2 as I can not get it to D/L like I did with all the rest of them and I would really love to have all of them saved to my PC before they vanish for some reason.
^Yeah man get ready for COBOT The Album V :D

Also, in the Album II post, there is an alternate link just below the main link called Mirror 2 which I have uploaded on my DropBox account :)
Vol 5???? Fuck, I can't write songs that quick. :lol:

I want to do something that isn't metal but it's difficult to come up with something that doesn't sound like a metal song played on acoustic guitar/strings.
^Yeah man get ready for COBOT The Album V :D

Also, in the Album II post, there is an alternate link just below the main link called Mirror 2 which I have uploaded on my DropBox account :)

Awesome. I will D/L that when i return home from work. Can't wait to hear it.

Who wants to do an Xmas album?

I'm thinking we do as we always do with the COBOT albums, only this time we make renditions of christmas songs, and interpret them as we like.

Meaning it doesn't have to be metal, it can be anything, as long as it's music.