? Was heißt reampen? Das aufgenommene nochmals irgendwie bearbeiten?

Grob gesagt: Line Signal der Gitarre aufnehmen; hinterher in dem Amp leiten, abspielen (dann kann man quasi den *Gitarristen* das durch den Amp spielen lassen wann man will) und mit mics aufnehmen(und hat somit mehr zeit zum mic ausprobieren usw.).

soo freundin wartet auf mich schon, bin outta here :D
Jose: Your best song so far! I really like the riff that starts at 0:28! Your composing as well as your tone and playing have really progressed so I'm really curious as to what you'll come up with next time =)
Crzy_Aus: I really expected something different after this intro haha! It's too bad the the sound quality isn't that great, allthough it adds to the fact that it is quite a dark song hehe.
Zirkonflex: Insane tone and awesome playing! I really like the riffs in there, but I think it would have been even better with some more variation.
Mitch: Great playing as allways! If I remember correctly you had a much more dry tone on the previous albums? I always kind of liked that because it suited your playing style quite well. But I must say this tone is pretty neat as well. And again the composing is great. How about vocals for the next album? =D
Twisha: Great tone and the playing is very tight! Maybe the vocals could have been a little louder in the mix, but that might as well just be my bad speaker setup here.
Looking forward to your next song!
Derpsicle: I like the vocals! Really atmospheric song! I hope you'll participate next time as well =)
Daniel: Awesome how you corporated all these different styles in one song. Just read the lyrics and they're hilarious =D Keep it up!
Thanks dude, I'm actually very happy that you all seem to enjoy the song, since I wasn't so sure about it at first. I think it came out with a bit too much bass, but anyways I'm pleased. We'll see what I do next time around, we'll see what I do next time around haha.

I used revalver for guitars on my song, the solos (that didn't make it :D) where done on a boosted bugera 6262 thru a V30 cab.
Revalver guitars are 6505+ with Recabinet impulses.
No mixing miracles on guitars.
Bass guitar is fucking loud and compressed+distorted like shit, sounds nice.
Drums are a preset I made in Superior Metal Foundry, enhanced with Softube Trident A-Range and the Tubetech Compressor.
The rest is all REAPER's native Plugins (EQ,Compressor,Sidechaining,Limiter etc.).
Writing/Recording ("On the fly technique :D) took me about 45 minutes, mixing around two hours (spend over two days).

Oh yeah, actual guitars where ESP ltd Ninja 600 stlk (stock JB's, just put covers on), and a Harley Benton cheapass bass (I sometimes think im Webster, but I can't play base for shit).
Bass was played all fingerstyle, no pleck was harmed :D

Tuning was drop B, so 5-string bass.

Cool, I have to learn how to use Revalver, it really gives some badass tones.

I was more referring to those people who have ''already found their tone in gearbox'' which is full of reverb and delay and stuff.

I just dont like that Digital Amp stuff eventhough I know that its better to pick some preset or even selfmade setting in gear box etc for a project like that because there is no danger of fucking up the amp micing.
but yeah whatever...ah!and it's way more often the case that the inferior quality of those amps is audible though. Otherwise nobody would mic those cabs anymore.

Digital amps sure aren't the best thing, but for home recordings and such are real helpful, because you're ready to go in a second and don't need huge ass cabs and an isolated room and all that, and you still get a pretty decent tone, even better than some actual studio recordings with fancy equipment (read Death Magnetic and the likes). I have a real amp and a cab and all, but recording with it is a bitch, because I have to make sure there aren't noises around, tweak for hours until I find the "soft spot" and pray my brother doesn't come in to ask for a pick while I'm doing THE take.

What I've found cool and I want to work more on once I'm back home and I have it with me is plugging my ADA MP1 into the Toneport and just a tubescreamer and a cab on Toneport. I recorded like that once and it sounded pretty good.

Jose: Awesome song, and a really cool intro-wait-This song isn't in D standard/Drop C? :kickass::kickass: nice to see a change from the usual here haha. Really cool melodies, song just sounds really nice, melodic, good to the ear, I guess. And you need to give yourself more credit, you're a fantastic player. Production was not standout imho, but tone was really good considering you were using an Epiphone (iirc?)

Haha yeah, this one was in D#, I had my guitar set like that for a gig with my cousin's band and it stayed like that and I decided to change a bit for once. Nope my guitar came in the mail a couple of days before deadline so I recorded all with mine :kickass: Thanks for the input :D
*pokes head in*

Seems the album's deadline has come and gone. :P

Ah well. Still hope to get the song done for you guys, even if it's not on COBOT IV! Maybe it'll be on V... hint hint guys. :P

1. Jose- Definitely a good composition. Some parts stood out to me more than others. Such as the clean section (very nice touch, and something I didn't quite expect from you). Also your tone is an improvement from previous recordings. And I can sense a bit more feeling in this one.

2. Mart- You never disappoint. This wasn't as emotional as your last contribution. But damn dude, those fingers sure have been practicing! I love how clean you sound. The drums are definitely a bit =/ to listen to. Bodom influence can be heard at like 1:12, so that's always a plus for me :)
Also, I'm hoping that other symphonic song you sent me will be completed for the next album. That one sounded reeeeallly nice.

3. Crazy Aus- I can tell this is a really good composition. Reminds me a bit of some CoF songs. Just wish you had better production. And as I already told you, I love the neoclassical influence in the violin.

4. zirconflex- Great tone, great playing. The song doesn't hold my attention for very long, but that's obviously just personal taste. Sounds like something that definitely needs vocals. I like the heavy riff coming in at 1:37, sounds like something that would fit nicely with some hardcore type vocals.

5. Mitch- Your pinch harmonics are effing sweet. And starting at like 4:58 is where the song gets good imo. The rest of it I found to be a bit boring tbh. This song doesn't really compare to your previous songs. I think Resurrection was my fav.

7. Derpsicle- Jeg skal skriver til deg i norsk :) (just don't mind the mistakes lol). Jeg føler at denne sangen har mye groove til den. Også den har noen atmosphere, som jeg liker. Din vokals er ikke dårlig, men kanskje trenger den mer styrke. Men samlet, jeg liker det.

8. Ensitard- sup brah. jeg har allerede hørt sangen din, og den er veldig god. this was actually a great idea that you had, veldig kreativ. Jeg liker den Viking metal part og den hardcore breakdown på slutten beste.

Good work guys :rock:
Well spotted.
My song was heavily geared towards having vocals and as a training song for me.
I was all up the ass of FINOWA on YT, but he's working his stuff right now.
I'd love to do a collab with that dude, could even be this song.
Ill message him with the song sometime.

I tried to get the donkey outta the shit with solos, but I was way to lazy and slow again :D
Thanks Twisha! Yep, I knew most of you wouldn't expect it, but looked nice and I decided to include it, turned out pretty good besides being a bit too short =P

zirkonflex, upload the "soloed" version of the song if you finally got to record it please! I'd love to hear it :D
