Coherence and Parts

Amazing, Opeth manages to change keys, I mean, how astounding is that? It's still a series of totally unrelated idea fragments thrown together with no guiding concept beyond sounding 'unique' to untrained ears. The idea that Opeth has "nice dynamics" is a fucking joke. What they have are very obvious dynamic variations that even a superficial listener can catch (softLOUD). Gorguts and Demilich (let alone Burzum - probably the most dynamically sophisticated band in metal) are much more subtle (and effective) in their use of dynamics, playing with texture and instrumentation instead of volume.
Coherence is often a trait I look for in music (the definition of which depends on the type of music it is). It doesn't have to be all musically identical, but I appreciate when all the songs on an album meld together to make one grand work of art while each song maintains its own identity.
Look, if you need your musical parts developed properly, grab a megadeth, gorguts or demilich disc, if you need dynamics grab some opeth, or new emperor, and if you want to hear what None So Vile would sound like played by an all-homosexual cryptopsy cover band, then grab that Lykathea Aflame disc.

Oops, mate you've tripped here, I'm afraid, making an assumption you can't back up. An all homosexual Cryptopsy cover band? What is it about a band that makes someone yell- hell, that's gay, pure faggotry,etx. Is it because they write spiritual lyrics rather than the usual: rape your mother, slit your guts drown in feces tripe. If you had even a shred of appreciation for them you probbably wouldn't say that. Once again this shows that everything is rooted in subjectivity and how we percieve a given band's music And personally I can't stand Cryptopsy, and surely for a band that's been heavily inspired by these vastly overrated Canadians, Lykathea Aflame have managed to write a much more intriguing and interesting album. That's just my humble opinion.
Also I'd like to add that it's pretty lame to label any music that you dislike as gay. I mean if listening to a band paints images for you of having sex with men, you must be either gay yourself(not that I have anything against gay people), have extremely vivid imagination or maybe somewhere deep inside not being averse to experimenting with your own gender every once in a while. Many users I respect around here have also resorted to this, but it's getting tiresome to see it recur in many arguments about music as it's just a form of cowardice- the lack of ability to really say what exactly bothers you about the sound of a given band. I may fail to make a convincing case myself about some of my likes and dislikes, but tagging a sound as gay is as meaningful as uttering: This bottle of whiskey drank the square root of the table, that is, pure fucking nonsense.

And about None So Vile again- it may be viewed by many as a landmark in rhythmic technical brutality, but man, it's boring as fuck.
:lol: Prozac/MMM/Armageddon's Child:

Sure, writing a series of riffs that follow thematically from one another is ONE way of writing music. You've established that. You've also established that you favour it to other ways, and believe me, there are many. You're applying an extremely reductionistic, top down, and if I may say so, downright ignorant template to this idea of coherence and parts, and in fact you've done nothing to prove that Lykathea Aflame are poor songwriters. Now, I don't expect that their riffs are written around a tonal center or whatever term you drones choose to use this week, but I do know that failing this one stilted criterion doesn't relegate a band to "constant distractions as a clown picks your pockets." Basically, your failure to grasp the songwriter's method doesn't translate to inadequacy on the part of the band. If every band tried to write music the way you want, we'd have a very limited and uninteresting pool of bands from which to select.
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A couple of typos on a message board. Shut the fuck up. Everybody makes typos.
so what about a band like mastodon??

their music sounds incredibly coherent and they execute their musical concept very precisely IMO (moby dick in leviathan, man climbing a mountain in "blood mountain")

love mastodon
Umm, coherence is a trait. Yes, a coherant song may be good, but that doesn't mean that incoherant songs are bad. Seemingly completly random stuff can actually fit together because it is based on a motif, so that would actually be coherant. I actually don't hear much incoherant music, but it doesn't bother me when I do. You have to accept the music for what it is and then judge it. A song is a bunch of parts. A part is a bunch of chords. A chord is a bunch of notes. Who is to say that a band must focus on a whole song? A part, kind of like a short story as oppossed to a book. Is poetry not the greatest means of expression? A poem is just a part of a collection of poetry, after all. It is incoherant.