
Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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Does anyone here like Coldplay? They are one non-metal band that many metalheads seem to like for some reason. They've been recommened by many metalheads on another board, so I decided to download some of their songs and check them out, but I didn't like them. They were especially recommended in a thread on that board about music to listen to when feeling depressed.
Would it be at all safe to pigeonhole them with something like Sigur Ros?
Coldplay... like Sigur Ros? Absolutely not. Sigur Ros are a horrendously overrated prog rock band and Coldplay are a horrendously overrated brit pop band. The only thing they have in common is that they are both horrendously overrated.
Yeah. Coldplay are very overrated, and as I said, I don't really care for them myself. I wonder what it is about their music that appeals to some metalheads though, as their music is very light and wimpy. I supposed it might be the depressive atmosphere their music has.
I fail to see how you could like the first and not the second when they sound so damn similar. Maybe you don't like the second as much... but if you outright don't like it, you are most likely a poser who didn't like them in the first place or a loser who only likes bands if they don't have that many fans.
I love Coldplay as well, although I can see why people think they are overrated. Musicianship-wise, they aren't that great...but as songwriters, they are fantastic. They have great harmonies and melodies and know just where to put what and when. "The Scientist" is the most heartbreaking song I've ever heard, next to Anathema's "Temporary Peace" and "One Last Goodbye".
Radiohead is really good, but has reinvented the wheel so many times that they are only a shadow of what they once were...although they are still amazing. Everything they put out now is very spacy and electronic, a far cry from The Bends, which IMO is their best album.
thrashmetal78 said:
Radiohead is really good, but has reinvented the wheel so many times that they are only a shadow of what they once were...although they are still amazing. Everything they put out now is very spacy and electronic, a far cry from The Bends, which IMO is their best album.

You are the type of music fan that makes me absolutely disgusted. Progress is a negative trait... bah.