Colin Richardson

The point is that he can ask to change the strings after 10 seconds of playing because he's Colin Richardson. If I would ask something like that to my clients I'm pretty sure no one will come at my door anymore....same thing If I wanna record a riff for 3 days, payed by hours. :)
The thing is:
Sometimes guitarplayer show me a finger (with a smile) if I am telling them to buy new strings for everyday.
And its something special if bass player came in with freshly new strings :)

true story
The point is that he can ask to change the strings after 10 seconds of playing because he's Colin Richardson. If I would ask something like that to my clients I'm pretty sure no one will come at my door anymore....same thing If I wanna record a riff for 3 days, payed by hours. :)

The thing is:
Sometimes guitarplayer show me a finger (with a smile) if I am telling them to buy new strings for everyday.
And its something special if bass player came in with freshly new strings :)

true story

Tell me about it... had a band show up with a kit with skins that had never been changed, old bass strings and the guitarist had "pretty new" strings. They were "only" a month or so old and had olny been gigged 5-6 times.
on topic though, colins mixes are ACE. I'm not so much into many of the bands he works with but there's no faulting the production
The thing is:
Sometimes guitarplayer show me a finger (with a smile) if I am telling them to buy new strings for everyday.
And its something special if bass player came in with freshly new strings :)

true story

well, in those cases I not only show them the finger, but the door as well.
new strings every day....mandatory...if not it just means they don't care for a good sound, if they don't care for good sound they can go somewhere simple as that
new guitar strings every day doesn't even sound much to me tbh.....with a decent guitar player you can do rhythms for 3-5 songs on a good day, depending on the difficulty of the material and 2 tracks vs 4....and by that time the strings will be pretty much shot.

i'm shooting for new strings every 2 songs over here.

bass, however, is a completely different story....since you're not piling as much distortion on top of the sound the actual highend loss will be much more noticeable. unfortunately bass strings are expensive and most bands can't be arsed to change strings every song. you're lucky if they change strings ONCE before the recording...yo dawg, why do i have to change strings, they're only 3 months old!
question is which type of guitars and pickups colin prefers. maybe they must change pickups and batteries every song.
The point is that he can ask to change the strings after 10 seconds of playing because he's Colin Richardson. If I would ask something like that to my clients I'm pretty sure no one will come at my door anymore....same thing If I wanna record a riff for 3 days, payed by hours. :)

You also wonder at some point whether you're just being self-indulgent too. I dig diligence and application to one's craft as much as the next guy, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere...

Changing over every song is cool, for sure. At the very least a new set of strings every day.
I fucking love his works.
from the old school stuff,to the mid 90's and all his works in 2000+ are fucking amazing.
he always delivers true quality.
I read in some other thread on this board that while working on Behemoth's Evangelion album, Colin just trashed the guitar tracks that were recorded with the Wieslawski brothers (Hertz studios guys) and reamped the DI signals instead.

That really surprised me, considering the Wieslawskis have recorded some of my favourite death metal guitar tones and have produced some of the best sounding death metal albums in general. Especially after hiring the Wieslawskis to engineer the guitars specifically, not using them must've been a big decision.

It happens a lot actually (heard the same kind of story with Suecof, Sneap...). It's not because the formerly recorded tracks were "bad" or anything, it's just because the guy who's gonna be mixing is used to a certain types of tracks to fit his mixes, i.e. the tracks he has recorded himself (in the first place if he was doing the engineer/producer job in the project, or reamped tracks if somebody else recorded the guitar tracks beforehand). But yeah it's kind of sad to hear the formerly recorded tracks were not used, since a lot of effort have been put into it and they should sound quite good.
I read in some other thread on this board that while working on Behemoth's Evangelion album, Colin just trashed the guitar tracks that were recorded with the Wieslawski brothers (Hertz studios guys) and reamped the DI signals instead.

That really surprised me, considering the Wieslawskis have recorded some of my favourite death metal guitar tones and have produced some of the best sounding death metal albums in general. Especially after hiring the Wieslawskis to engineer the guitars specifically, not using them must've been a big decision.

Probably he's just a dickhead, like making the band change the strings every 5 minutes or so makes me assume he is.
well, in those cases I not only show them the finger, but the door as well.
new strings every day....mandatory...if not it just means they don't care for a good sound, if they don't care for good sound they can go somewhere simple as that

New strings sound so harsh..:( ..and everyone hates changing strings! How do you feel about Elixir strings btw?
Colins working with Trivium? :rolleyes:


Probably he's just a dickhead, like making the band change the strings every 5 minutes or so makes me assume he is.
Tbh from what I've read Colin is a very quiet, reserved and nice guy. And I hardly think changing strings regularly to keep them sounding fresh makes you a dickhead. Neither does reamping guitars because he didn't like the tones he was presented with for the mix.

New strings sound so harsh..:( ..and everyone hates changing strings! How do you feel about Elixir strings btw?

To be honest I find that new strings have more bite and sound less fuzzy than old strings. Even strings that have only been played for a day start to lose their high end and it's not something you can get back with eq.

Am I the only person that almost likes changing strings by the way? I find it oddly relaxing. Until you get to the higher strings, they're fiddly as hell and make me go "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"