Colin R Question

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Colin R might be the best mixer in metal. I personally prefer Andy but Colin's mixes rule as well.

I've heard somewhere hear that Colin is an automation master. But it sounds to me more like he is using a lot of tasteful eq (maybe that is what he is automating). Anyway, on some of his mixes it sounds like the individual instruments poke out a bit more than with some other engineers. I wonder, does he have a relatively heavy hand when it comes to EQ?

Just a thought, I don't really expect anyone to know...
I read in an interview that he's not afraid to "EQ the crap" out of something if its been recorded badly, but other than that he's pretty secretive with his techniques I think, never heard anything about automation though
Yeah im a big fan of Colin's work too. He is the master when it comes to metal, always loved his snare,kick and toms. Would loooove to get my hands on his samples :D
But i got nothing useful to reveal about his techniques except the articles that you can easily google.
I remember studying Trivium's "In Waves" because I noticed severe amounts of volume automation. We are talking like, if the drums cut out for a quick guitar lick, the guitars are brought up and smashed against the master compressor/limiter and right back down when everything comes back in. I also noticed some minor volume drops when the vocals are in and back out when the vocals are out. It is such an ebb and flow that you can only really hear it when listening to one speaker at a time, with both on it just sounds like a really punchy and dynamic mix that is always loud but clean.

He may be automating eq but if he is, it is unperceivable.
Yeah im a big fan of Colin's work too. He is the master when it comes to metal, always loved his snare,kick and toms. Would loooove to get my hands on his samples :D
But i got nothing useful to reveal about his techniques except the articles that you can easily google.

You mean the D4 sample he use all the time?