College shooting in Canada


Oct 13, 2005
Apparently some one dressed in a long black coat has opened fire in a college cantine in canada today. As far as I know, no one has been killed, except the shooter who turned the gun on himself. Pretty insane though how these nuts can still get in with security measures etc. Discuss if you will...
Yeah I think the police have changed their story recently saying that the cops did in fact shoot him and there was a fatality. :s
Gill's list of favourite music groups is a who's who of heavy metal: OZZY OSBOURNE, MARILYN MANSON, IRON MAIDEN, DANZIG and METALLICA, but only the "old stuff."

Ugh....people are going to pin this shit on metalheads, and this stupid debate about how music makes people do shit is going to start again.
Why can't they see he's just a flaming dingo and blame the goths? (I've never met a true metalhead with a blog-o-count or whatever at

Why can't rappers ever influence this type of bullshit instead of the shoddy new metal crap.
Because rap isn't old enough to gain a reputation like a lot of metal bands have.

The problem here is, like you said, the fact that all these commericial bands are coming back into the spot light and being blamed for all this, as always. Its so easy to take the list of commercial bands throw them into the paper and point fingers. What would happen if that list had say Mayhem, Burzum, blah blah... It wouldn't be easy to explain why those bands would influence a school shooting. Though quite frankly I don't see how any extreme metal should.