Colombian Metal

I only know Masacre they are very old, I had a Vynil called Requiem (I sold it) I think but I don't remember how it was :s

I have listen Colombian bands there is one called Eternal isn't it? I hear I think 2 Mp3 of them
I hereby contact you and request more infrormation and insight.

Who are your favorite Columbian bands and why? What do you think of Liturgia?

Is Bogota the center of the metal scene? Is metal/extreme music ruled by the cities or do people come down from the hills to support the scene? Actually, I assume that it's in the grey area in between. Could you explain that grey area at least a little bit, please? What other cities in Columbia have some extreme music action? Is there much of a socially/politically conscious movement within the metal/extreme music community?
metu said:
I hereby contact you and request more infrormation and insight.

Who are your favorite Columbian bands and why? What do you think of Liturgia?

Is Bogota the center of the metal scene? Is metal/extreme music ruled by the cities or do people come down from the hills to support the scene? Actually, I assume that it's in the grey area in between. Could you explain that grey area at least a little bit, please? What other cities in Columbia have some extreme music action? Is there much of a socially/politically conscious movement within the metal/extreme music community?

mm..Vobiscum Lucipher and Liturgia,good bands.. :wave:
hey check this thats the page for the colombian metal scene and I think the best colombian band ever is LEGEND MAKER no doubt about it, but bands like misty fate are excellent I use to play with them tough!!!!!!!!!!!!
NastyJoan said:
I only know Masacre they are very old, I had a Vynil called Requiem (I sold it) I think but I don't remember how it was :s

I have listen Colombian bands there is one called Eternal isn't it? I hear I think 2 Mp3 of them
yeah eternal is from bogota is really good its like ethereal wich its also good
metu said:
I hereby contact you and request more infrormation and insight.

Who are your favorite Columbian bands and why? What do you think of Liturgia?

Is Bogota the center of the metal scene? Is metal/extreme music ruled by the cities or do people come down from the hills to support the scene? Actually, I assume that it's in the grey area in between. Could you explain that grey area at least a little bit, please? What other cities in Columbia have some extreme music action? Is there much of a socially/politically conscious movement within the metal/extreme music community?
I think Cali has a big metal scene and also the best colombian bands are from there
I'm sorry for misspelling Colombia. I'm an idiot, but I'm learning.

SC: Right on. That crazy raw shit is what really caught my ear. Liturgia blows my mind. It actually sounds like it's being recorded in a guerrilla camp under attack while the band is screaming out the last words of the resistance. I wish I could understand the lyrics. Vobiscum Lucipher I'm pretty sure I've heard. I seem to remember them not being just another black metal band as their name suggests, rather some off the wall rawness.

SB: That link didn't work for me. As you call Legend Maker the best, could you describe them please? What can you tell us about playing with Misty Fate or any other bands with which you used to play? When and where did you play? What kind of places did you play? What were the crowds like?

Cali, eh? (checks map) Very interesting. Thank you.

Are there any metal/extreme music festivals in Colombia?
metu said:
I'm sorry for misspelling Colombia. I'm an idiot, but I'm learning.

SC: Right on. That crazy raw shit is what really caught my ear. Liturgia blows my mind. It actually sounds like it's being recorded in a guerrilla camp under attack while the band is screaming out the last words of the resistance. I wish I could understand the lyrics. Vobiscum Lucipher I'm pretty sure I've heard. I seem to remember them not being just another black metal band as their name suggests, rather some off the wall rawness.

SB: That link didn't work for me. As you call Legend Maker the best, could you describe them please? What can you tell us about playing with Misty Fate or any other bands with which you used to play? When and where did you play? What kind of places did you play? What were the crowds like?

Cali, eh? (checks map) Very interesting. Thank you.

Are there any metal/extreme music festivals in Colombia?
ok first at all let me tell you that i dont speak very well english but i'm gonna try, first i really i dunno whats happening but you should try later.... legend maker is euro-power metal really good they has the first album that is call "the path to the glory" that one was recorded here in the US with an american singer and the new album is called "bleeding the blind" in that one you can find excellent guitar works and also good vocals made by the original singer diego gomes he is cousin of one of my friends thats why I know them, about misty fate I meet them cuz me in my town "tulua" that is like 45 minutes from cali we create a festival called "the sound of thunder" and we invited bands like legend maker, misty fate, nameless, magestic realms, preludium, silent scream, souledge, twilight glimmer, medio evo and other local bands was awesome thats why I meet them we play together just for fun but was pretty cool and they are excellent bands all of them, i'm right now here in the US and I coming back to colombia in june after the iced earth tour with children of bodom and I will start a project band that i will call "St. Sebastian" with one of the members of my old band, there more good bands like deja-vu, hellbender, askariz, etherial, eternal, liturgia, masacre, undertreath, warriors of the light and a lot of good more bands but I can't think in more names right know, we have good festivals like the "fire crusade" and a lot of tribute concerts and the scene it is really big I have been in concerts like megadeth, rhapsody, children of bodom, helloween, hammerfall, stratovarius, testament, therion, mago de oz and a lot more good international bands, the scene is really big and the crowd its fucking crazy the people in colombia goes crazy in the concerts the energy is amazing, sorry if you dont understand something but i'm not really good writing in english but thats the best I can do, and its really cool to know that is somebody interest in the colombian metal wich its really good cuz you have to support the metal scene, so if you want to know something about any colombian band or something just tell me or something and I will glad to help you...
PS: in my opinion Legend Maker and Mistyfate are who rock the metal scene in Colombia, but also check twilight glimmer!!!
Thank you very much!

Your English is fine. I had no problem understanding. I'm glad to read that the scene down there has so much energy. I think it's great that it's so open with the festivals and jam sessions. It sounds like one hell of a party. Many people are interested. I'm just more persistent than most. :]
How is Bogota compared to the summary of Cali posted above? What kind and how many places are there to play for a band of metal? How often can one see a show there?

I love the fact that Colombia is so into metal. It's exactly the sort of movement Colombia needs.

Rock on Colombia!
Hello to all!!!

why we arent talking in spanish???? :ill:

this is for latinAmerican metal!!!!
well if english speakers want to read welcome we will translate :cool:

I lived in Bogota, great metalscene, now am in Cali, I cant even look for great metal shops, I have to go to bogota to buy an album????? :yell:

if somebody is in cali this is my email:

am so bored here I want to get back to BOGota !!! :rock:

and Masacre is the best metal band in Colombia!!!

sorry for the english hehe ;)
Try MISTICIA. They are freshly formed and will soon release their first EP on YAHUAR MALLCU (Bogota). It features our lead guitarrist and I happen to shout a bit there too as a guest singer. They play quite decent Death-Thrash with a bit of folk influence (Samponas e.g.).
Well, all I can say is, that the Colombian scene is really alive!!!
John: Thank you for helping us understand your view on the scene by typing in English. I think that y'all should discuss more in Spanish, but I'm very grateful when you bother with English.