Comic Book Dorks Unite!

I got an "additional 15% off" coupon via email, so I went back and picked up these hardcovers:

Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis
X-Men: Nation X
The Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill
Superman: Earth One
what i really love about Borders is that it's the only "Bookstore" that i've seen that has "superhero" as it's own seperate labeled category, in the other bookstores, superhero stuff is inserted into "fantasy" "sci-fi" "adventure" "mystery" "occult" or in some places, the superhero stuff is scattered throughout all of the above categories, it's really annoying, but Borders actually has the word "Superhero" as a category, with all the Superhero stuff together in the same little corner, it's so awesome

also, if anyone cares
Anyone else been buying the new 52 titles from DC? I got a few and have been massively disappointed in a lot of them..

Justice Leage International - I was really excited about this, until I realized that this is a total re-boot. As in.. no history of the old JLI, which means no Ted Kord, no Blue/Gold adventures, nada. That's pretty sad. So far, the comic is alright, but nothing to be excited about.

Catwoman - Softcore porn. Catwoman is sexy. She's so sexy. She's fully of sexy-sex and she's half-dressed throughout most of the comic. Oh, and she has sex with Batman. So much sexy.

Suicide Squad - Disappointment and fail. Harley looks awful, and Amanda Waller has lost about 100lbs and now looks like Naomi Campbell.

Red Hood and the Outlaws - Well, everyone has always wanted to bone Starfire.. so hey, lets make her a giant ho who has sex with every dude she works with and doesn't remember their names. :D Now we can draw her in tiny thong bikinis and have her pose sexily ALL THE TIME! ALL THE TIME!!!

Batman and Robin - ..actually, not bad. I may continue buying. Batman working with the first Robin who's ever actually been related to him, this Robin is his son (with Talia) Damian. Damian is such an angry little brat, Batman is the lighthearted one. Strange dynamic, but it's good.

Static Shock - Amazingly, this is my favorite so far. They've written Static pretty well, so far. Virgil Hawkins is a transplant from Dakota who now lives in Harlem. Strangely enough for the shitty DC writers they've had lately, it's not pure blacksploitation. He's black, but it doesn't define him.

Batgirl - It's alright, but Babs is younger and less experienced and it's gonna take some getting used to.. but I'll buy the 2nd issue.
I'm not a fan of DC at all. I'll take Marvel any day of the week. Captain America (Steve Rogers version only) has been my favorite since grade school and I'm really into The Secret Avengers and Moon Knight right now.
I used to be strictly Marvel, until a bunch of crazy bullshit happened and they killed Banshee (after making him an angry drunk 'CUZ HE'S IRISH, HARHARHAR) and turned Jubillee into a vampire.

I'll have to pick up OMAC! Though what a shame that the events that created the OMACs recently (Maxwell Lord being a dick, killing Ted Kord, using Batman's technology against him..) has been erased from DC history. :/
I used to be strictly Marvel, until a bunch of crazy bullshit happened and they killed Banshee (after making him an angry drunk 'CUZ HE'S IRISH, HARHARHAR) and turned Jubillee into a vampire.

Crazy BS happens all the time with Marvel, at least for the past 15 years. (Which is the last time I regularly read Marvel.)

While I read some DC occasionally, there is nothing there that I find compelling. Nowadays, I pick and choose GN collections rather than buy individual issues.
I think that DC messed up (if I understand what they did correctly). Most hardcore comic readers cannot go out and buy 52 comics in a month. I thought about starting over with my reading buy getting these. But I don't know where to start, and there's just too many coming out.

I think I'll check a few out and see what I think.
Yeah, they did mess up. Rather than making things simpler, they made things more complicated. For example, with the Justice League International.. they no longer have the history of their precious comic. So now they have to write an all new history, which has changed a lot of character personalities (like Starfire...). Some of the writing is just plain awful.

Remember how Starfire used to be really nice and sweet and love her friends and all that jazz? Well...

I've read 3 of them so far: Justice League, OMAC, and Men of War.

I enjoy the art for Justice League and OMAC. OMAC's writing is pretty good. I am surprised at the Marvel'esque ness of it (as Comic guy said.. Kirby). The Justice League's writing is amusing, but it isn't satisfying. It is a simple introduction story that is aware that people already know who these characters are, yet they are starting over.

Men of War has okay art (some of the perspectives, particularly with the faces looks slightly off), the writing is too simplistic. But it was a little interesting.


Superman Action Comics is good.
I've heard that OMAC is good, may pick that up today. I'm curious about how they're handling the story now that the whole Maxwell Lord thing didn't happen? I guess?
Yuk. Just because they draw her like a porn star doesn't mean she has to act like one.

Same thing with Catwoman. It's one thing for Catwoman to be naturally sexy (like usual) but she spent most of the comic in her bra.

..and the last panel was this.

Link: http://chrisdeecattales.files.wordp...n-rooftop-sex-the-costumes-mostly-stay-on.jpg

(I'd post it, but I'm not sure it's appropriate.. which is EXACTLY the problem!!)

And I've also heard great things about Animal Man. I'll be picking it up, today!
All this nonsense makes me glad I discovered Invincible. I get all the fun of a pure superhero title without all the continuuity/rebooting/crossover dependency. Plus it's probably the best superhero comic out there these days.
I thought that Batman & Robin was pretty weak, but I enjoyed Batman Detective Comics a lot. The worst one so far, among those that I've read, is Mister Terrific. Overall, I'm greatly enjoying this, and it has reinvigorated my enjoyment of comics.
Any other thoughts now that most of the new DC titles are at #2?

So far, my favorite has been Animal Man; the final page of the first issue was terrific.

Legion Lost has a great premise, but did not to anything for me in the first two issues. And, they use "sprockin' " to make a curse word like frakkin', in Battlestar Galactica. Unfoogingbelievable.

The first issues of Resurrection Man, Stormwatch, and Flash made me want to read #2 of each, none of which I've seen yet.

Like Justin, I really liked the first Aquaman. I give them kudos for embracing the history of Aquaman-as-lame-superhero jokes. Looking forward to #2, which I bought today.

Still not sure about Green Arrow. The first comics I read when I started this over the summer were Hawkeye comics, so I'm still seeing Green Arrow as a pale comparison.

Of the main superheroes, I liked Superman #1 and also Action Comics #1,2. I really liked Batman Detective Comics, also plain Batman, but I did not care for Batman: The Dark Knight. The art work reminded me too much of Rob Liefeld, who I've already developed an aversion to.

I have not read any of the other Batman varieties, or Batgirl, Catwoman, SuperChick, etc.

Justice League has been interesting so far, it takes me back to the days of "Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice", but Justice League International was awful. Everyone was drawn very lumpy, and Blue Rooster or whatever he's called is just irritating.
