Comic Book Dorks Unite!

As for non-DC or Marvel comics, I'm really digging the entire Mike Mignola universe in Dark Horse Comics (Hellboy, BPRD, Baltimore, Abe Sapien, Witchfinder, Lobster Johnson).

Also, if you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend The Sixth Gun. The books are only up to issue 16, so it's easy to catch up. (#1 - #11 are collected in two trades.) I was in a shop in Cincinnati, and the owner recommended it as one of the best comics going today, and I have to agree with him. It's a horror / supernatural / western with really good art and an interesting story.

Oooo I need to buy issue #2 of Aquaman! I loved #1! Animal Man seems like it's the best of what DC has been churning out, so good for him.
OK, a storage question now! I am all down with the whole bag & board thing. That's fine for individual comics. But, if you have, say a 3-5 issue arc of a comic, like BPRD, which likely will get bound together in a trade paperback, is it safe to just put all 3-5 issues together in a single bag, without a board? Is there a risk of the covers sticking together after a long time? That would save some space, and keep "related" books together.

OK, a storage question now! I am all down with the whole bag & board thing. That's fine for individual comics. But, if you have, say a 3-5 issue arc of a comic, like BPRD, which likely will get bound together in a trade paperback, is it safe to just put all 3-5 issues together in a single bag, without a board? Is there a risk of the covers sticking together after a long time? That would save some space, and keep "related" books together.


I wouldn't do it. Heat and proximity will make the covers stick together (it's happened to me, before!) so if you want your comics to last, bag and board individually.
I gotta say I loved how they wrapped up the "Batman: Brave & The Bold" TV show. Basically, Bat Mite personifies the nerd rage at having a kinda goofy, Silver Age Batman show and basically wants to do away with the show so that it would make room for a darker Batman show. So, he works on making the show jump the shark, by having Batman be hip and ride a silly Bat-Luge down the hills of Gotham City. The funniest bit was when they replaced Aquaman's voice from John DiMaggio's to Ted McGinley's. (Tho, I would bet that many who watched the show probably weren't old enough to remember "Married With Children" to get the joke.)

I tend to agree with Bat Mite (and the writers of B&tB) that the show pretty much ran its course. Things were just getting way too silly and that was about enough you can do with the concept. It is just unfortunate that the next Batman series doesn't start until 2013.
Please give a good home to these comics! In my exploring different comics since this summer, I've purchased many that I don't feel the need to keep anymore. All are in great shape and have the whole bag & board deal. I am interested in forwarding them on to people who might like them, I'm not worried about $$. Below are several lots of books; if you'd like to receive one or more of the lots, let me know. I will mail them to you with no obligation, but if they get there safe and you're happy with them, I would not object to a free will donation to my Paypal account to cover shipping or whatever - it'll be up to you.

Lot 1: Assorted early issues of the new DC books -

Batman: The Dark Knight #1
Captain Atom #1
Demon Knights #1
Green Arrow #1 - #3
Justice League International #1
Legion Lost #1 - #2
Stormwatch #1 - #3
The Savage Hawkman #1 - #2

Lot 2: Marvel's new run of Ghost Rider, #0.1 - #5 (#1 - #4 are Fear Itself tie ins)

Lot #3: Kirby Genesis (Dynamite) #0 - #4

Lot #4: The Last Phantom (Dynamite) #1 - #9, Annual #1

Lot #5: The Infinite (Image) #1 - #3

Lot #6: Hellboy, The Fury #2 (Dark Horse) - yes, it's a small lot, but I accidentally bought 2 copies

So, send me a PM if you're interested in any of these lots. I'd rather not break them down into more groups, so it's all or nothing for each lot.

Got some new collections for Christmas.

Death of Captain America Omnibus HC
Captain America Lives Omnibus HC
Irredeemable vol. 7 TP
Ultimate Comics Avengers vs. Ultimates HC
Walking Dead vol. 7 HC

The Captain America collections were amazing.
I got the other 52 trades! I now have all 4 and they ARE SO GOOD AMG. I freaking love Montoya/The Question. I only hope she's not dead like they're hinting at, in the new 52 universe. XP
I just got the second Invincible Iron Man Omnibus HC (the Fraction/Larocca run). It's really good, but doesn't quite measure up to the first one. Still, it's good to see Marvel finally treating Iron Man like a flagship title.
Over the weekend I was in Cleveland, which required a visit to Half-Priced Books.

My haul:


Didn't read this back in the day because I hadn't watched the TV show. Glad to have a copy.


"The Beginning Of The End Of the Beginning" vol 1 hardback.
Starfire and Catwoman acting like pornstars?!?!?

it prolly sounds weird at first, untill you realize that DC is trying to attract completely totally brand-new readers with this whole re-booting the entire DCU thing, Starfire and Catwoman "acting like pornstars" is something that has a pre-planned audience, it's aimed at those specific guys that spend all day looking at online pornographic pics of female superheros
i've got a male friend that's got his phone's whole pic memory filled with pics of the X-Men doing orgies and a pic of Wonder Woman getting gang-banged by the male members of the Justice League
Starfire and Catwoman acting like pornstars?!?!?

it prolly sounds weird at first, untill you realize that DC is trying to attract completely totally brand-new readers with this whole re-booting the entire DCU thing, Starfire and Catwoman "acting like pornstars" is something that has a pre-planned audience, it's aimed at those specific guys that spend all day looking at online pornographic pics of female superheros
i've got a male friend that's got his phone's whole pic memory filled with pics of the X-Men doing orgies and a pic of Wonder Woman getting gang-banged by the male members of the Justice League

this also prolly explains the new thinner amanda waller
Some recent pickups:

Invincible: Ultimate Collection HC vol. 7
Hellboy Library HC vol. 4
Ultimate Comics: Ultimates vol. 1
Preacher HC vol. 4
Thor (the JMS run) Omnibus HC

these comics are more awesome than anything else mentioned in the last couple of pages
For me lately ive only been buying Boom Disney comics Uncle Scrooge Ducktales,Darkwing Duck,and Rescue Rangers. I just can't let go of my childhood i guess. On an unrelated note I also still buy The Simpsons Comics,and I really wish someone would make an Archer comic.