Comic Book Dorks Unite!

Yup. I am reading

All-Star Western
Animal Man
The Flash
Justice League
Resurrection Man
Swamp Thing
Wonder Woman

On the other current topic about trades vs single issues, I'm preferring single issues for the superhero stuff, but trades for stories that are more supernatural / horror or more "serious".

You know, all of us going to ProgPower should agree on a publisher we all like and get a picture of everyone together holding up recent issues - maybe we can get our picture into one of those letter pages in the backs of some books and get the fest some extra publicity in the process. :cool:


i normally read earth 616
but i'd stand in the picture if the publisher was DC
i love most of Batman and Watchmen and this
Yup. I am reading

All-Star Western
Animal Man
The Flash
Justice League
Resurrection Man
Swamp Thing
Wonder Woman

On the other current topic about trades vs single issues, I'm preferring single issues for the superhero stuff, but trades for stories that are more supernatural / horror or more "serious".

You know, all of us going to ProgPower should agree on a publisher we all like and get a picture of everyone together holding up recent issues - maybe we can get our picture into one of those letter pages in the backs of some books and get the fest some extra publicity in the process. :cool:


I'd be willing to do that if the publisher was either Image or DC, preferably Image.

As for the reboot, I'm reading most of the bat titles, along with (off and on):

Legion of Super Heroes
Legion Lost
Suicide Squad
Wonder Woman
Animal Man

As well as a couple others.
I'd be willing to do that if the publisher was either Image or DC, preferably Image.

As for the reboot, I'm reading most of the bat titles, along with (off and on):

Legion of Super Heroes
Legion Lost
Suicide Squad
Wonder Woman
Animal Man

As well as a couple others.

which Image Comics are you reading???
i haven't been keeping up with Earth 616
and i swear i only just discovered a week ago that Kaine has been living in Houston TX since January

i think it's freaking awesome to have a Superhero outside of NYC
what do you guys think about Kaine being a superhero in Houston???
Anyone reading Transformers Regeneration One? Must say, I'm loving it so far (not least the Geoff Senior covers)...
Transformers (Marvel) was the comic I grew up with, so when Regeneration One got announced I nearly shat myself!
More Than Meets the Eye and Robots in Disguise are awesome too. Some seriously creepy stuff going on in RID. I see a lot of dudes getting killed in that in the future...
god-damn political correctness in superheros is getting fucking annoying

Miles Morales has to be half-black and half-Latino because supposedly non-Latino-white-people are the minority in NYC

the newest version of Alan Scott is gay, despite the previous version getting married twice and fathering 2 children with his first wife

Kyle Rayner and Jaime Reyes are Hispanic because all the illegal immigrants in USA are coming from "Latin America"

Black Vulcan, Black Lightning, Black Panther, Static, John Stewart, and all the other black hero characters in superhero comics were made as a direct result of the NAACP bitching about all the superheros being white

and now, because of the whole "war on terror" thing...
...New Green Lantern is a Muslim with his right forearm tattooed in Arabic lettering...
i have no problem with a Middle-Eastern/Arabic/Muslim character having superpowers, (they've done it alot for villain characters) and i have no problem with a Middle-Eastern/Arabic/Muslim character being a hero character in a superhero comic
Marvel's already done it
but to make the newest Middle-Easter/Arabic/Muslim hero character a freaking Green Lantern, that's just nothing more than a fucking publicity stunt, and to make the forearm tattoo, written in Arabic lettering, visible while wearing the superhero suit with a god-damned mask over his fucking face, that's just a badly done publicity stunt and pandering to Muslims/Middle-Eastern people,
if some sort of minority rights group demanded a Muslim/middle-eastern hero character in DC's superhero comics, they could have at least made a unique origin story instead of making the Muslim guy another fucking green lantern, and the hero character having an Arabic lettering tattoo visible while wearing a face mask is totally pandering to minority rights groups and still looks as-stupid-as hell whether or not it's a Green Lantern
but it wasn't just merely a Arab/Muslim Green Lantern
they've had a black guy be a Green Lantern
John Stewart clearly unambiguously created to pander to the black comunity and convince black people to read comics
and Kyle Rayner is Hispanic with one of his earliest Rayner stories involving Wally West being racist against Hispanic/Latino people