Comic Book Dorks Unite!

I'm not seeing a problem with the new Green Lantern, but what's with the gun?

the gun is to make him distinctive, to make him look different than the previously-existing green-lantern-ring-wielders

the gun will prolly disappear after a few more issues

the tattoo on the forearm still being visible while he's wearing a face-mask looks weird

and this specific tattoo being words written in Arabic lettering, looks like they're pandering to some sort of minority-rights-group
Miles Morales has to be half-black and half-Latino because supposedly non-Latino-white-people are the minority in NYC

I don't have a problem with a half-black/half-Latino superhero, i just had a problem with the half-black/half-latino guy replacing the dead white guy,

they could have just had Miles Morales walking around with spider powers while peter was still alive (like 616 did with ben rielley and Kaine Parker)

they could have had Miles replace peter in the spider costume just as atemporary thing like when Jean Paul Valley was Batman for a year when Bruce broke his back, or when Iron Fist put on Daredevil's costume while Matt Murdoch was in Federal custody)

and they could have just retired the spiderman identity when Parker Died like the Ultimates Universe had done with all the double-identity characters that had died in the Ultimatum wave,

but instead of doing any of these things, they had a black/latino guy just replace the dead white guy, which was nothing more than a publicity stunt to get blacks and latinos to read superhero comics, that's what all the people got upset about

the newest version of Alan Scott is gay, despite the previous version getting married twice and fathering 2 children with his first wife

i have no problem with the way that Marvel had Northstar come out of the closet and have a homosexual marriage, that was okay because he had always looked gay anyway

but in his previous incarnation Alan Scott's 2 children (from his first marriage) grow up, get superpowers, become superheros (complete with double identities) and then those 2 adult superhero children bitch about how they don't like their brand-new step-mom because she used to be a supervillian
so, what happens with all these characters now that Alan Scott is gay??

Kyle Rayner and Jaime Reyes are Hispanic because all the illegal immigrants in USA are coming from "Latin America"

there was nothing wrong with Hal Jordan or Ted Kord, Kyle and Jaime were just created to try to get Hispanic people to read superhero comics

Black Vulcan, Black Lightning, Black Panther, Static, John Stewart, and all the other black hero characters in superhero comics were made as a direct result of the NAACP bitching about all the superheros being white
there was nothing wrong with Hal Jordan or Ted Kord, Kyle and Jaime were just created to try to get Hispanic people to read superhero comics


Oh, I understand now.

You're just a terrible person.

Well then...

i haven't kept up with 616 since Lily Hollister gave birth
Kaine Parker's been in Houston, Texas since January
but i swear i didn't know anything about it till about a week ago

personally speaking i totally love it
i love the idea of Houston having it's very own Superhero
and 616 doing a superhero outside of NYC
i think it's one of the most awesome things 616 done in a while

i got upset about Eddie Brock getting bonded with a symbiote that's not the venom symbiote and the venom symbiote bonding to Flash Freaking Thompson and i loved the "world wide mind wipe" because the whole "spiderman unmasked" thing totally came out of left feild, and earth 616 had just gotten so stupid that i stopped reading, and now this totally awesome thing happens and i'm exited about it, has Kaine's time in Houston been gathered into a collected edition yet?? i want to read Kaine's adventures in Houston but i won't be able to get to a comic shop till next payday

what do you guys think about this??
seriously asking
are you guys as psyched about this as i am??
Recent buys:



The Invaders book is pretty bad. The Longshot series was a favorite of mine when I was a teenager, so it's nice to have a hardcover collection now. The Art Adams artwork alone was worth the $10 price tag.
The Invaders book is pretty bad. The Longshot series was a favorite of mine when I was a teenager, so it's nice to have a hardcover collection now. The Art Adams artwork alone was worth the $10 price tag.

I actually didn't read the actual Longshot book until years later, because I lived in Germany at the time and they never got that miniseries. I did become a big fan of Art Adams after X-Men Annual #9/New Mutants Special Edition #1.

And yes, Longshot is one of my favorite characters.
I actually didn't read the actual Longshot book until years later, because I lived in Germany at the time and they never got that miniseries. I did become a big fan of Art Adams after X-Men Annual #9/New Mutants Special Edition #1.

And yes, Longshot is one of my favorite characters.

Those Art Adams Asgardian Wars issues are still amazing to look at.

And how can you not love a comic character that looks like a member of Europe or Def Leppard? He rocked the boof and the mullet.
My only problem with the new green lantern, is that earth has enough green lanterns already, no need for more.

actually yeah, in the older earth you'd be right
but how many Green Lanters does the re-booted earth have??

before the reboot we had
Alan Scott
Guy Gardener
Hal Jordan
Kyle Rayner
John Stewart

who were all human

with all the extra-terrestrial Green Lanterns visiting earth really frequently for no apparent reason

how many of these characters exist in the new re-booted universe???
seriously asking
haven't read any of the new re-booted universe
actually yeah, in the older earth you'd be right
but how many Green Lanters does the re-booted earth have??

before the reboot we had
Alan Scott
Guy Gardener
Hal Jordan
Kyle Rayner
John Stewart

who were all human

with all the extra-terrestrial Green Lanterns visiting earth really frequently for no apparent reason

how many of these characters exist in the new re-booted universe???
seriously asking
haven't read any of the new re-booted universe
All of the earth GL still exist in the rebooted universe.