Comic Book Dorks Unite!

If you are at all into superheroes, I'd suggest Booster Gold. It's funny, it's charming, and it's got enough action to satiate my appetite for violence. Also, Gotham City Sirens is good, because it has Harley. And Harley is the biggest winner of them all.
Alright, comic book dorks, I challenge you to come up with a good recommendation for me!

I used to read "comic" comic books as a kid but never got into the superhero or more serious comics.

My wife and I recently got hooked on The Big Bang Theory, and I have been having urges (*) to go to the comic book store in town and buy something. What would be a good series to look for, that I could pick up a recent issue and start reading without being completely lost?

(*) I usually think, while watching the show, "These nerds are my people! They like comics, and so I should, too!" :)



Seriously, tho, it is difficult to recommend something unless you help narrow things down. What are you interested in? What kind of stories do you like?

One thing you could do is go down to your local B&N or Borders and browse the trade paperbacks to see what catches your eye.
So what are you looking for? I take it superheroes and serious comics are off the table?

Nothing's off the table. I never read superhero comics in the past, at least the more serious ones, so I have no idea if I'd like them. I wasn't avoiding them, I just never did that. I guess, all in all, I'd like something with a bit of mystery / intrigue behind it, and perhaps a dark sense of humor. I don't really know. The biggest factor would be something I can start immediately without having to find dozens of previous issues.

Ken, one option is to get a series compilation book. That way you aren't just getting some random comic from a series. You could get a Sandman book, or one of the Dark Knight ones. There are lots out there.

I have to recommend anything by Alan Moore (I haven't read a lot of his stuff, but I love Watchmen and V. I plan to read everything he's done).

I'm not into a lot of the super hero stuff anymore, so I can't recommend any current series or artist/writers. But when I was getting back into comics (in college), I enjoyed just going through and finding a series that had art that I liked, and seemed to have a good story. It worked well.

This thread reminds me that I need to go through my small comic collection and see which ones are ebayable, as I have no interest in holding onto most of them, and I know none of them are valuable.
I've just rediscovered my love of comics after a several year hiatus. I used to read mostly superhero books, mainly involving X-Men. I remember when they had North Star come out and I stopped reading after that. It's not that he is gay, it just seemed so forced. Right now, I'm only reading trades and graphic novels. Here's a quick rundown of what I'm reading:

Invincible-an interesting superhero book for a change. I'm on the 3rd hardcover.

Powers-Bendis' version of an investigative team for superheroes. Good stuff. I'm on the 3rd trade, but I'm going to switch over to the hardcovers.

Fear Agent-a very fast-paced sci-fi book htat will have you run the full gamut of emotions.

Hitman-Garth Ennis' anti-hero book from the 90's. It's better than I remember it being.

Y the Last Man-awesome book. I started this when it was on issue 20 and fell off somewhere around 40. I'm catching up with the hardcovers.

Red-Quick, easy read. Makes me interested in watching the movie.

Planetary-A Warren Ellis superhero book with an underlying agenda. I can't wait to get the 2nd trade.

Scalped-a gritty Native American from Vertigo. I'm interested to see where it goes.

DMZ-New York has been declared a war zone. A journalist has to go in and tell the story of the survivors.

Transmetropolitan-Nothing sums up the 90's attitude more to me than this book. Another Warren Ellis classic.

Incorruptible-A great take on superheroes. I need to pick up Iredeemable next.

That's all I can think of right now. If anyone knows of any darker book like some early vertigo titles, please recommend some. I've also heard good things about Chew, but not sure if I want to take a chance on it yet.
For all you that are into graphic novels, I can't recommend getting a Borders Rewards card enough. They usually give a a 33% off coupon once a week and sometimes you'll get a 40% off any one item. That is free to do. If you upgrade to the Borders Plus membership, it'll cost you $20, but you'll get $10 in Borders Bucks and an extra 10% off everything. If you buy a lot of stuff, you can save a good deal in the long run.
For all you that are into graphic novels, I can't recommend getting a Borders Rewards card enough. They usually give a a 33% off coupon once a week and sometimes you'll get a 40% off any one item. That is free to do. If you upgrade to the Borders Plus membership, it'll cost you $20, but you'll get $10 in Borders Bucks and an extra 10% off everything. If you buy a lot of stuff, you can save a good deal in the long run.

That is, as long as Borders exists, which has been questionable in recent years. Personally, in the past I've used my Discover rewards to get Borders gift cards to buy GNs.

Over this past weekend I was in Cleveland, which allowed me to hit Half Price Books. I picked up the first two volumes of Claremont's "X-Treme X-Men" and the first three volumes of JMS's "Supreme Power".

X-Treme X-Men is ultimately a disappointment in that the events in the book end up having little impact overall. We are introduced to a villian who we never get the full story about where he came from and how exactly he gets mixed up with the X-Men's quest for Destiny's diaries. A character was killed, only to be resurrected a few years later. In the second volume, he chickens out at killing any more characters, tho he threatens it. He introduces two characters and ends up not doing much with them afterwards. A lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

Supreme Power is a "reboot" of sorts for Squadron Supreme. It seems obvious that JMS wanted to put a twist on the Superman mythos, as to what would happen if Superman was raised by the US Government. Personally, I think some of it is a little too US centric (if you are talking about a virus that creates superbeings, it wouldn't just affect the US.) but overall it was a pretty decent read.
My SIL knows what to give me. Over the weekend, she gave us a present: the omnibus edition of Jeff Smith's Bone. I've been enjoying it ever since.
I just bought a bunch of old JLA back issues. Good stuff. Currently collecting all of the "Formerly Known as the Justice League" and "Extreme Justice" comics.
Supreme Power was great. I don't know why that series seems dead now. I love Invincible and Y: The Last Man too.

Planetary is so freaking brilliant. It's one of the absolute best comics of the past....forever really.
Supreme Power was great. I don't know why that series seems dead now. I love Invincible and Y: The Last Man too.

Planetary is so freaking brilliant. It's one of the absolute best comics of the past....forever really.

Supreme Power stopped being intersting once it got dropped from the MAX Imprint and they just were doing standard super hero stories.

You need to check out IRREDEMABLE
Just picked up the Iron Man: Iron Monger hardcover collection. It was fun revisiting those old issues and the first appearance of the red and silver armor (which I always thought looked great).
Wow, you learn something new everyday...I would've never pegged you as the comic fan.

I swear I have hobby ADD... I wouldn't mind picking up some new comics to check out, but it's gotta be along the same lines as DC's Vertigo line and now I wouldn't know which direction to go..
I swear I have hobby ADD... I wouldn't mind picking up some new comics to check out, but it's gotta be along the same lines as DC's Vertigo line and now I wouldn't know which direction to go..

You may want to give Ex Machina a try. It's got a brilliant mix of superheroics and politics, is written by the guy who created Y: The Last Man, and is beautifully illustrated.
I just got these in the mail today:

Ultimate Thor HC
Preacher Deluxe Edition vol. 2 HC
Preacher Deluxe Edition vol. 3 HC
Astonishing X-Men: Exogenetic HC
Invincible vol. 6 HC

It's like Christmas here!
I got 'The Mortal Iron Fist' and 'Secret Avengers' TPB recently, both very good, Iron Fist has been one of the most consistent titles out there, too bad Marvel cancelled it, in their infinite wisdom. Speaking of which, I am afraid they are about to butcher my favorite character, MOON KNIGHT, in the new Bendis-penned series coming out in May. Bendis has decided that MK needs new inner personalities to mess with...which happen to be those of, who else, popular Avengers (Spider Man, Cap, Wolverine). I know I'll fork over the money but it's about the worst idea I've heard in a while.
Hey, so, yeah...

...anyone else super pissed off that Superman renounced his American citizenship?

I realize that I'm one of the few DC fans around here, but... ugh. I'm so annoyed.