



Fisk feeds Cap to the pigs. Brootal
You're an X-Men fan right? Do yourself a favor and go read Hickman's reboot, which starts with House of X and Powers of X. Already going down as one of the greatest X-Men runs of all time and he's just getting started. Perfect jumping on point for anyone.
just a min ago read the entertainment weekly article about it
sounds awesome
yes i'm an X-men fan
but @Terasophe was the one talking about being an X_men fan with the pic of him wearing an X-Force shirt
more additions to my X-Men collection. I've been looking for these two for a while now ...

... Sam Kieth used to be one of my favorite artists.

Also picked up the oversized hardcover of East of West(volume 1) for $20 at one of my shops! I'm a huge Hickman fan and this book has been recommended to me by numerous people ...
I feel like maybe I have... but I can't be sure if it's just because I know about it and probably seen clips/images from it around. Any good?
yea, it perfectly nailed the first 10+ issues and felt like the comic book had literally came to life. It had its own unique style of animation too. The storyline is pretty dark and deep while still being humorous and quirky at times ...

... lol, that's some @Slammed level shit right there. :D
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Dude at my shop tracked down a bunch more of the Marvel Comics Presents Wolverine covers by Sam Kieth for me! :kickass:




A Daredevil/Punisher book from my favorite duo of all time (Miller/Jansen) and a Jim Lee Punisher/Wolverine book that i had never even heard of ...

And the two sweet Alex Ross covers for Spawn #301 that i'd been looking for ...
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I used to have the two regular Daredevil issues you showed in your post.

I finished reading the graphic novel Near Death, Vol. 2 and the trade paperback collection of the new Marvel Comics series Savage Sword of Conan in the last couple of days.

But my state has shut down all non-essential businesses so the comic shop is closed. Plus with Diamond not shipping any product as of this past week until the corona virus thing abates, it's going to be a while before we see new material.