Comments about the new album on the homepage.

The Essence of Conviction

Evergrey Fanatic
Jul 26, 2007
Anyone else's comments make it there? It's on the homepage on the right, it says something like "Comments posted on the blog for the new album"....something like that. I feel like a celebrity, two of mine were included! :D :D
congratulation!!!! :)

None of my comments made it on the list...
But it's really cool they are reading our comments :) and make some of us world-famous :p...
Hahahaha, yeah...I can go to shows and say did you see that guy who said "I'm foaming out the mouth for the album, hell even for a single!"...that was me!!! Nice sig by the way, that was a good movie.
Yeah, that movie was great :)

And when I'll be an old man, I can say to my grand-children: "When I was young I've talked to the one that wrote "I'm foaming out the mouth for the album, hell even for a single!" on the Evergrey Blog..." :p

I hate waiting, man... they are torturing us again :)
Yeah, I think Evergrey have a sick fetish to torture their fans by making them semi-famous and leaving us with no video blog for like 3 weeks! I hope they return with a streaming new song or a 40 minute video, lol.
Yeah, I think Evergrey have a sick fetish to torture their fans by making them semi-famous and leaving us with no video blog for like 3 weeks! I hope they return with a streaming new song or a 40 minute video, lol.

I'm with you... I'm starving for a new video blog! I know the guys have been busy with the metal cruise and the shows in Israel and Sweden in recent days and so I can understand why there isn't anything new... but perhaps we'll see something new before Christmas. A new extended-duration video blog would be a nice Christmas present!

I just googled "Christmas in Sweden" and apparently the country just celebrated "St. Lucia's Day" (Dec. 13) so perhaps the guys are recovering from a hearty celebration last night? :lol:
I like the keyboards in evergrey's songs but where is it on Monday morning apocalyspe?
What's next, no keyboard-player at all?
Then they can change their bandname too.

I hope there are more cool keyboard as in ambassador, mark of the triangle etc. on the next album.