comments, questions and tips about ultimatemetal upgrade


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
i thought maybe it's better to gather together all comments.
i, for instance, find it clumsy to be automatically quoting the last poster whenever i click on the specific reply buttons on single messages instead of the generic one at the bottom. and i miss that smilie ---> :s

-The reputation thing looks amusing
-Avatar's can be hosted on UM again
-Forum is running quicker

-It's pointless and annoying having to click on another post to use Quick Reply
-Blocky look, not nearly as sleek as before
-Looks "big". I preferred the smaller font for forum main pages.
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i agree on the 2nd and 3rd negatives.
also, i just noticed these:

- when you get e-mail notification, the whole message posted is quoted, making e-mails you get definitely bigger, increasing the risk of flooding/clogging your mailbox

- users online are not listed anymore

- whenever you check a new reply, it is removed from your list of "new" posts. comfortable to keep track of what you haven't checked yet, but annoying when you plan to reply to something just a wee bit later and then you lose it in an ocean of equally unmarked threads.

rahvin said:
- whenever you check a new reply, it is removed from your list of "new" posts. comfortable to keep track of what you haven't checked yet, but annoying when you plan to reply to something just a wee bit later and then you lose it in an ocean of equally unmarked threads.

Heh, I actually think this is an improvement. I thought it was pointless and confusing when the "new" post icon wasn't removed after you'd read it.
rahvin said:
- users online are not listed anymore


i saw a user list at the bottom of the index page. sometimes it looks like it's not there though. it might have to do with user visibility preference settings. users who have their setting to visible show up (i think), jsut like before. when i'm logged in my screen name listed first with an asterisk to the right of it. i'm seeing my name there even though i have the invisible preference setting.

also, users on my buddy list have a "+" sign to the left of their screen names.
Ormir said:
Heh, I actually think this is an improvement. I thought it was pointless and confusing when the "new" post icon wasn't removed after you'd read it.

yes, i guess it could be. and i was telling a lie about the users online thingy, it just got transferred to the bottom of the page.

- there's an option to see the tree-structure of any thread as well as the linear succession of posts. this is a bit like in the older dt forums and might appeal to old users.

- the old smilies were a lot better. :(

i'm gonna take the part about sending avatars to people for hosting out of the rules thread, since it seems um's accepting custom avvys again...

edit: didn't see your message in time, wildfyr. :)

Being able to see the amount of guests on a specific forum is interesting. I'm curious as to how many lurkers there are on this board.
this just in (sorry for double posting):

- take a look at the polls. if you've already voted you get the options listed starting from the one with less votes going up. also, the bars there look sleeker.

RealHazard said:
How this reputatinon thing works?
I am out.

you click on somebody's rep icon on one of his/her posts and can choose between approving or disapproving of said post, and adding a comment. as of now, nobody seems to be able to see your comment anyway. i suppose if you approve of someone's message his reputation will go up a notch and if you don't the contrary will happen. it doesn't seem to work sensibly though, or have any effect that i can see...

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@Rahvin: Dangie for clearing that up..

This shite really works faster..
NF: Speeding thru net-Heaven, speeding thru nite.
an update on reputation:

apparently, if you give someone bad reputation once, you can't do it again before having spread more reputation around (to other users). i have no idea what kind of proportions we're talking about here, but at least this is going to slow down people who'd just use the feature to bring down personal enemies.

There's also a limit to how much reputation you can give around in 24h. I seem to have reached my limit. I'd say it's perhaps 20 points or so.

The limit to giving reputation to one person multiple times also applies to good reputation.
more on reputation:

on your starting "user cp" page you get to see the latest reputation points received and the comments (bottom of page). you don't get to see who did judge your post, though, or at least not that i noticed. as of now someone said i can't be all bad cause i like auctioned, and somebody else - i guess - said he/she shall disapprove of rahvin always, which kinda makes my day as a useful catch phrase for the future.

Heh, you can attatch another pic to your profile now, apparently meant to be your real picture. It will appear to the right of your avatar when you click profile.
Ormir said:
Heh, you can attatch another pic to your profile now, apparently meant to be your real picture. It will appear to the right of your avatar when you click profile.

You look much more vibrant in real life, Ormir. :Spin:

EDIT: Argh, case sensitive smilies.
generally speaking, the new version of ultimatemetal forum is strange, but nice, i guess i gotta get used to it. some smilies got worse (this in particular :p ) and the reputation thing seems useless to me. those are the only bad things that i can point out, so far.

mark told me the old smilies will be back. :Spin: (<--- i hope the code will revert back to normal as well :rolleyes: ).

quick avatar guide

since ultimatemetal is hosting avatars again, your current selection has been reverted back to what it was before.
if you had no avatar before having it hosted elsewhere, you still have no avvy and can do one of the following:
- live happily just as you are, you moron :p
- go to "user cp", select the "avatar" table, scroll down past the cartoon avvys (unless you want to use one: in that case just check its box and skip the rest of this rant) and check the box to the right of "use custom avatar". then either add a link to an externally hosted picture or browse your pc using the button to the right of the box below, select a picture you want to use and click ok. then submit modifications, refresh you cache by SHIFT+F5 -reloading any page and you should see your new avvy.

if you were using a custom avatar before, you'll find um reverted to showing it again. you can now choose:
- keep it. it was ugly before, it still is.
- go to "user cp", select the "avatar" table, check the box to the left of your custom avatar (the one you want to change), then submit modifications. get back to that same page, scroll down past the cartoon avvys (unless you want to use one: in that case just check its box and skip the rest of this rant) and check the box to the right of "use custom avatar". then either add a link to an externally hosted picture or browse your pc using the button to the right of the box below, select a picture you want to use and click ok. then submit modifications, refresh you cache by SHIFT+F5 -reloading any page and you should see your new avvy.

warning: if you don't see additional boxes in your "avatar" page aside from the one with the cartoons, contact mark and he'll sort things out in a matter of minutes.
