comments, questions and tips about ultimatemetal upgrade

Miolo said:
if you want to use an avatar from your pc, be sure that its size is not bigger than 100x100 pixels. :)

Exact, also because while first the avatar automatically came resized, now it has to be already of the correct measure...

when it is replied to a post, it needs to answer with at least 10 characters, otherwise it doesn't work :flame:
- take a look at the art gallery thread. hearse posted an oversized image and now all the messages in that page are stretched. i'm in 1024x768 and it's quite hard to read. i remember the old um layout resizing all posts separately.

I find the quick reply message option is sufficient and serves now (with the modifications) better than the actual reply-function.
so I wouldn't need an extra reply-function at all (but then there should be a smilie-code-box in the quick-message field :) )

btw, the new Word-layout in the regular reply function is ugly :Smug:

and: if we have all these ugrades, why no function where your writing runs? :D I know this from another board, and it's great :grin:
opacity said:
btw, the new Word-layout in the regular reply function is ugly :Smug:

yes, it really is and reminds me of boring translations. :yuk:

opacity said:
and: if we have all these ugrades, why no function where your writing runs? :D

w-what? :confused: my writing runs? where's it going?

have no fear for your avatar, opi: just take a look at my guide and the world will suddenly become a better place.
(it happens often, with my guides :rolleyes: )

Ormir said:
-The reputation thing looks amusing
-Avatar's can be hosted on UM again
-Forum is running quicker

-It's pointless and annoying having to click on another post to use Quick Reply
-Blocky look, not nearly as sleek as before
-Looks "big". I preferred the smaller font for forum main pages.

Considering your 3 positive things are nice and that the 3 negative things can be easily corrected, its a good improvement.
rahvin said:
an update on reputation:

apparently, if you give someone bad reputation once, you can't do it again before having spread more reputation around (to other users). i have no idea what kind of proportions we're talking about here, but at least this is going to slow down people who'd just use the feature to bring down personal enemies.


But i want INFAMY right now, and i shall not wait for it!!!!
rahvin said:
an update on reputation:

apparently, if you give someone bad reputation once, you can't do it again before having spread more reputation around (to other users). i have no idea what kind of proportions we're talking about here, but at least this is going to slow down people who'd just use the feature to bring down personal enemies.


Um, isn't that bit of a pointless option?
I think we pretty much know who hangs around here and in an environment such as this, mostly, based on personal tastes I think rather stupid idea.

Salmy (start collecting the negative early, they will run out after I am thru :grin: )

And where the hell is NP option, god damnit :heh: :heh:
And why the hell does it take you on top of the page when you have posted, that is fucked up!!
I wanna see what I have just posted, so I can edit it if need be, now I have to scroll back down. ARGH, this sucks!!
And what the fuck is it with the fucking "last edited" message appearing right under the fucking signature.
Even editing the fucking signature to have 2 empty lines at the bottom didn't help. Man this SUCKS!

Fuck, change to PHPbb and we will all be a lot happier. vBulleting sucked a major veiny dick.