Comments, Thoughts, Updates, and Smart Ass Remarks From ZANEX....


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Just checking in, I notice quite a few people leaving or taking time off from the board. Hope to see you in the near future. Now, the world according to ZANEX:
*ledmag, I've started on the VHS you wanted with THE BLACK SABBATH STORY VOLUME 1, BLACK SABBATH/THE LAST SUPPER, THE ROLLING STONES/VIDEO REWIND, and all the NEVERMORE videos with a few other Century Media artists like SENTENCED, S.Y.L, TROUBLE, SKINLAB, STUCK MOJO, THE GATHERING. Hope you enjoy. I'll try to visit in the next few weeks, if its convenient with you.
*Clown from "SHITKNOT" is a stupid ass. In the latest issue of METAL EDGE, he claims that Slipknot is the greatest METAL band right know. Last time I checked, most METAL bands don't have 8-9 members, a D.J., 2-3 percussionist, etc.... He goes on to insult "nu-metal" bands. Question? Who else thinks Slipknot is "nu-metal". I do.
*I think it is time for something to happen in the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal music scene. It's becoming stagnant and boring with all the "nu-metal" (non-metal), happy punk, etc...I think the following bands sound the same and are shit, (in their respective categories): (*Disturbed/Adema/Korn/Soil/Cinder)* (downthesun/Slipknot/Mudvayne/Mushroomhead)* (The Vines/Hives/Strokes)* (Sum 41/Blink 182/SR-71/Pressure 4-5) I'm sure I'm leaving out alot.
*I'm glad that there is true-metal that will always be underground and I'm anxiously awaiting the new NEVERMORE, ANTHRAX, B.LS., ETC....

Enough for now. Later and CHEERS.
Originally posted by ZANEX
*I think it is time for something to happen in the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal music scene. It's becoming stagnant and boring with all the "nu-metal" (non-metal), happy punk, etc...I think the following bands sound the same and are shit, (in their respective categories): (*Disturbed/Adema/Korn/Soil/Cinder)* (downthesun/Slipknot/Mudvayne/Mushroomhead)* (The Vines/Hives/Strokes)* (Sum 41/Blink 182/SR-71/Pressure 4-5) I'm sure I'm leaving out alot.
*I'm glad that there is true-metal that will always be underground and I'm anxiously awaiting the new NEVERMORE, ANTHRAX, B.LS., ETC....
yeah these things run in cycles, I'm expecting some new trend (or perhaps only hoping...) the mainstream music press like rolling stone is trying to cram this new Hives/White Stripes/Strokes stuff down our throats as some new punky revolution but I'm not buying into that bullshit. a few catchy songs is not a career.

And I'm also getting real sick of singers whining about how bad life is and such. life is what you make of it to a large degree, how many more Alannis Morrisettes does the world really need, and this numetal self pity crap is just so old at this point.

well, enough rambling, I'm bored:lol:
Even I have stopped paying much attention to the current music scene...all I know is that I have had the misfortune of hearing a lot of the bands listed and I can give you my thoughts on each.
Disturbed-They've had the occasion of having maybe one good song...but I'll only pay attention to them if there is nothing else on.But I have heard/read some interviews w/the singer of that band and he does sound somewhat intelligent.
Adema-A watered down MTV-friendly version of some of Korn's earlier stuff.They annoy me.Though the song they have on some Mortal Combat soundtrack thing-y isn't that bad.It's not as catchy as some of the other songs.There's not much of a chance of the song,"Immortal" being played on MTV,which is a sort of glimmer of hope,so to speak.Though this band is beyond slavation in my opinion.
Korn-I don't care what you say,I like Korn.I've actually heard some of their new songs and,they aren't good metal songs,but they are good songs.Korn are not a metal band,they are just a band that I like.It's that simple.
Soil-I like this band.One of my friends heard one of their songs and she was scared,that's good enough for me.
Cinder-I don't know who they are...
downthesun-I've heard one of their songs and...I don't like it,but it's more "metal" than the other bands you listed.
Slipknot-I won't lie,I like some of their songs.They aren't one of my top favorite bands,but I wouldn't mind seeing them in concert because I hear their live shows are pretty chaotic,so that would be an experience...and the drummer absolutely spastic on the drums,I admire that.
Mudvayne-I've heard a lot from them and I think they are...just a band that is there.I have no opinion.Maybe their sound is a bit monotonous,but that's because mostly everything out today is.You can't blame them for not being the first ones to come out with this marketable metal.
Mushroomhead-I don't like this band.Nothing specific,they just don't appeal to me.
The Vines-
Thw Hives-
The Strokes-
Sum 41-
Blink 182-
Pressure 5-4-
All of them except for Pressure 5-4 suck.All the same happy pop-punk indie garage rock sound.I don't get how ppl can claim that bands who write 90-second songs are brilliant.I could write a 90-second some!It's not brilliant,it's just bullshit.I'm with Zanex on the true underground metal.That will always rule.I think that there was once this whole thing of rock vs. pop,that has turned into rock vs. rock.Or metal vs. rock.All of those above listed bands are what is rock now.And all of the little punker/whigger posers who make it are the ones who are trying to look "tough" by saying things like "death to pop"...okay,you may look pretty tough when you're facing off with Nsync,but let's see how you deal when staring straight at Cannibal Corpse,little fucking wankers.
I forgot about Andrew W.K. He is fucking terrible, in my opinion. Also, I've seen Korn, Adema, Soil, and Disturbed live. Korn are good live, if that is what you like. What you hear on record is what they sound like. Same with Disturbed, but Adema sucked live, and I didn't like Soil, (they did a half-ass version of Slayer's / Reign In Blood intro.) I just don't like the noise these bands make. As for Slipknot and Mudvayne, yes they have "some" talented musicians like Joey Jordison and the rhythm section of Mudvayne, but I don't like the noise they make. Later.
Originally posted by ZANEX
*Clown from "SHITKNOT" is a stupid ass. In the latest issue of METAL EDGE, he claims that Slipknot is the greatest METAL band right know. Last time I checked, most METAL bands don't have 8-9 members, a D.J., 2-3 percussionist, etc.... He goes on to insult "nu-metal" bands. Question? Who else thinks Slipknot is "nu-metal". I do. spends all their time posting Corey's latest rantings about how great Slipknot is. He even insulted GWAR, and then went back on it after Odorous (sp?) threatened to "shove [his] scaly cock up Corey's ass." And if he doesn't think his band is nu-metal, then I want some of whatever he's smoking.

*I think it is time for something to happen in the Hard Rock/Heavy Metal music scene. It's becoming stagnant and boring with all the "nu-metal" (non-metal), happy punk, etc...I think the following bands sound the same and are shit, (in their respective categories): (*Disturbed/Adema/Korn/Soil/Cinder)* (downthesun/Slipknot/Mudvayne/Mushroomhead)* (The Vines/Hives/Strokes)* (Sum 41/Blink 182/SR-71/Pressure 4-5) I'm sure I'm leaving out alot.

No need to mention them all...we know the general category. I think the best thing to do in this case is support good local bands and help them spread the word, hoping they make it and inspire more musicians.

*I'm glad that there is true-metal that will always be underground and I'm anxiously awaiting the new NEVERMORE, ANTHRAX, B.LS., ETC....

2003's gonna be an awesome year for metal...those you mentioned plus IE, Metallica, Maiden, Death Angel, Exodus (if they get the singer thing solved), Queensrÿche (if they beat some sense into Tate), Helloween, and many more. (Hopefully including Overkill.)

Enough for now. Later and CHEERS.

Rock on. Random thoughts rule.
Its a wonderful year for music already! ! !, and still January..

new Strapping Young Lad, and soon to come dTb album

and music not metal-->
Massive Attack (incredible album!)
King Crimson (great as well!!)
and Opeth's other one coming soon

and I'm excited for new Queensryche, though the rumor is its pushed back until April... with more rumors starting to stir making it seem it could be longer..
Still anxiously awaiting the next NEVERMORE and ( I don't know how I forgot) DEATH ANGEL (I have all their stuff including the ORGANIZATION and SWARM). Also, the next VOIVOID with "Jasonic" (Jason Newstead). Hopefully 2003 will be a good year for METAL.