Common mispronounces/misspellings that drive you up the wall.

well, you already all covered all mine. I love when people defiantly know something. How are you being defiant exactly? What's more hilarious is that they're misspelling definately, which is already a misspelled definitely. I'm so dumb I can't even spell the misspelling. It's funny, but I never had any trouble spelling definitely. de- finite -ly, what's the trouble? finite is an easy root word to remember. infinite comes from it, yet people don't often spell it infinate (or do they?). Yet, since coming on teh world-wide-webs I have seen definitely spelled wrong more often than any other word (probably more often that all other words combined). What the hell?

I had a roommate that absolutely hated irregardless. Someone else mentioned it in this thread. It's a real word, btw. It means regardless (how messed up is that?).

And I hate when people purposely misspell the as teh. Just kidding, I did it a paragraph ago.
Where are you AT. UGH that one sucks.

Bork! You are a federal agent! Never end a sentence with a preposition!
NADatar said:
Where are you AT. UGH that one sucks.

Bork! You are a federal agent! Never end a sentence with a preposition!

Bah that makes me cringe.

Crunk, Crunk Juice, Crunked, Crunk ass, Crunkified, Fo sheezy, Fo shizzle, Off Da heezie, jiggabooreezie. Fucking aye! Just because you've been emancipated, doesn't make it o.k for you to speak! :eer:
JayKeeley said:
ding ding we have a winner. I see "loose" instead of "lose" all the time, even at work.

Also, when people say "I could care less" instead of "I could NOT care less". Weird how one is the COMPLETE opposite to the other.

that's why I keep this handy dandy IMG on my speed posting dial

I receive company complaint mail from time to time. Here's a funny one.

Put better advertisements on. What smut! (Victoria Secret) . Does every-thing have to be SEX? I can't open this home page with my Grandchildren around I don't know what is going to show. DON'T YOU HAVE ANY MORALES?
lizard said:
one thanksgiving years ago:

me: well, satellites can't stay in orbit forever.
Cousin Kenny: what?
me: satellites are launched into orbit but eventually they fall back through the atmosphere.
Cousin Kenny: I don't understand.
me: what's not to understand?
Cousin Kenny: won't gravity keep the satellites in the air?

so, so, so, many things wrong with that.
No it's not. English is mainly a derivative of Old English, with some (40,000 odd!) French words slapped on top. Old English is semi-based on Frisian, Old Norse and a few other random Germanic dialects. English is a Germanic language, French a romantic. They aren't all that closely related at all, apart from the loan words. Although, that said, the Normans did leave a huge influnce on English, but at its roots, not derived from French, at all.
Reign in Acai said:
I receive company complaint mail from time to time. Here's a funny one.

Put better advertisements on. What smut! (Victoria Secret) . Does every-thing have to be SEX? I can't open this home page with my Grandchildren around I don't know what is going to show. DON'T YOU HAVE ANY MORALES?
hahahahahaha i cant wait to show my son victorias secret.
"THIS is what you should strive for son. THIS RIGHT HERE."

"morales" hahaha
gravity DOES keep satellites in the air. well the combination of gravity and that other force i don't remember right now in equilibrium keeps satellites in place. if it wasn't for gravity they would just speed out into space.
cthulufhtagn said:
what's the whole thing about centrifugal force being a made-up thing, the real thing is centripedal force or something? surley some body hear knows.
WTF?!?!?! i was going to post this exact thing but i said as much in another forum somewhere and got flamed by a bunch of nerds, so i didnt.
anyway, centrifugal force is not real whereas centripital is.
F = (mv^2)/r
i dont know why those guys said i was wrong. cant remember

ps: you used "hear" instead of "here" haha