Common mispronounces/misspellings that drive you up the wall.

"Definitely" is probably the word on RC with the most variations of misspelling. I've seen at least 4 or 5 different variations on here, mostly from Lurch actually! I was dismayed when one old thread was brought up recently and I noticed I did the "definately" spelling.
online - l33t sp34k drives me up the wall. Same with Prince lyric speak (you = U, too or to = 2, etc)

in Baltimore - People say "wooder" for waTer

not a misspelling or mispronunciation but redundancies instead:
PIN NUMBER, because it's not PI number
Tuna Fish, because Jessica Simpson thinks there's a Tuna reptile apparently
For the record, I was just in a class where a few girls couldn't find Mexico on a map, and this other whore didn't know what a "continent" was. Naturally, I screamed "HOW ARE YOU GRADUATING???" at her. Goooood times, good times that make me realize that this world is not worth living in.

edit: a couple of years ago (as in when I was 15) this girl thought that the sun and the moon were the same thing. Just sit back and think about that for a second.
lizard said:
Max, I listened to the Noltem tape yesterday while driving through suburbia. it is good stuff, man.

It's good to hear that. Thank you sir.

What's crazy is that I sent this e-mail to my label the other day and I mentioned how there were 10-20 people here who were interested in buying a copy of Runedance. The guy David replied saying that it blew his fucking mind how he has already sold about 100 copies to more than 10 distros across the globe. :hypno: One place in Germany bought 25...

Honestly didn't see that coming.
lizard said:
when will it be generally available??
I want to hear the bleak guest session vocals of this mysterious Erik Grahn fellow.

Official Announcement:

My end of the deal (as in everything aside from vocals and production) will be finished by March 15. After that, I'll send it over to Erik to be finished up. Once that is put to sleep, it's only as long as Ashes takes to get the Cds...
lizard said:
as I was driving past strip malls and housing developments, the music was playing, and the coldest sense of melancholia swept over me as I felt the spirit of the murdered trees which once inhabited this land :)

That's pretty much the lyrical idea of the demo actually!
lizard said:
then I got to Giant Eagle and they had no record of my discount card under the name Richard Burr but there was an Anastacia Burr wtg
it was all I could do not to vault the counter and go all viking reaver on their ass, all the while shrieking, "NOOOOOOOOOLTEMMMMMMMMMM!"

I got totally fucked over like this at a Borders the other day, what's with that? I went to an AAA to get passport photos, but they said there was absolutely no record of my account. None, nothing. Busted my card out and made the guy feel like a dick. That's what I'm all about.
MFJ said:
For the record, I was just in a class where a few girls couldn't find Mexico on a map, and this other whore didn't know what a "continent" was. Naturally, I screamed "HOW ARE YOU GRADUATING???" at her. Goooood times, good times that make me realize that this world is not worth living in.

edit: a couple of years ago (as in when I was 15) this girl thought that the sun and the moon were the same thing. Just sit back and think about that for a second.

That reminds me of a time in high school when I mentioned to some girl that I lived in Alaska for five or so years. She looked at me and asked in all honesty, "So you lived in an igloo?" I laughed for about an hour and she kind of giggled at first and eventually got really annoyed but I just couldn't stop.
I have some grammar rules in the back of my Mead Composition notebook I use for work...excerpt as follows:


I be / You be
I ain't / You ain't
I got to
I seen
I done

But I thought ebonics was an official language? :loco:
MFJ said:
edit: a couple of years ago (as in when I was 15) this girl thought that the sun and the moon were the same thing. Just sit back and think about that for a second.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahah :lol:

hahaha man that is fucking hilarious

i actually really just feel sorry for this poor girl, she obviously faces serious danger every time she steps out the door

"ooooh, look at all these shiny metal rolling things! they move so fast! they're like metal doggies!! here doggie! here metal dog--" *SKREEEEE* *KRUNCH*