Common mispronounces/misspellings that drive you up the wall.

MadeInNewJersey said:
Ohhhhh, missed the mispronunciation thing. Or rather, ignored it since regional dialect in its very nature is going to mean that words are pronounced differently all over the country.

See: dawg, cawfee, etc. in NYC

I'm aware of that. It doesn't matter to me if a regional dialect makes it natural to pronounce words differently, it still drives me up the wall when I hear Bush say "nucular" or some random New Englander say "wahter", etc.
Dark One said:
I'm aware of that. It doesn't matter to me if a regional dialect makes it natural to pronounce words differently, it still drives me up the wall when I hear Bush say "nucular" or some random New Englander say "wahter", etc.

You don't see the difference in those 2 examples?

nucular = wrong, not a word

wahter = the correct word simply pronounced differently due to a regional dialect

If that drives you crazy, you better NOT move to Florida :lol:
MadeInNewJersey said:
You don't see the difference in those 2 examples?

nucular = wrong, not a word

wahter = the correct word simply pronounced differently due to a regional dialect

Sure - but they equally drive me crazy nevertheless. Is that wrong on my part? Probably, but I still can't deny it.

MadeInNewJersey said:
If that drives you crazy, you better NOT move to Florida :lol:

LOL - I'm more worried about the drivers. :grin:
I don't think it's wrong or right on your part, but for the sake of your hairline, blood pressure & overall health, you might want to reconsider its affect on your demeanor :D

P.S. I just used "its" and "affect" properly in a single sentence. :lol:
MadeInNewJersey said:
I don't think it's wrong or right on your part, but for the sake of your hairline, blood pressure & overall health, you might want to reconsider its affect on your demeanor :D

Heh - good point. Though I think it drives me crazy in a mostly superficial (did I spell that right? :loco: ) way. In other words, not really. :grin:

MadeInNewJersey said:
P.S. I just used "its" and "affect" properly in a single sentence. :lol:

It's very effective. :lol:
Hahaha, reading these threads makes me SO HAPPY I'm from boston.

Go to the bah and drink some wikkid hahcowah beeahs aftah pahkin my cah in the yahd you fuckin' guy.
cthulufhtagn said:
i hate supposeABLY

come on people, it's supposEDLY....i had a fucking COLLEGE PROFESSOR consistently say "supposeably", at least a couple times every class
Ugh, that one is terrible.

ValentiMMMMMMMMMMMe's Day is my biggest pet peeve.