Communication is not my specialty.


Plagued by insanity.
Nov 24, 2002
It greatly disturbs me how sometimes there is so much madness inside my head that I want to get out, but then when I try to put it into words I just become a man plagued by writer's block unable to express what I feel must be released. So I guess I will just shut up until I am stupid enough to make another post.
Totaly know the feeling! Just when you think you know what to say.... *BAM!!!* You're speachless and your husband looks at you like, "WTF! Spit it out WOMAN!" and you flip him off! Which is a lot better then talking anyway!!!
"See Marge? The problem in the world today is communication. Too much communication."

I always find the task of explaining myself extremely daunting, i never know where to start and i always feel theres so much background info to tell before i even get going! But actually all my ramblings on UM have showed me how to do it a lot better, now if i have to explain something i just start, it may come out a bit of a rambling but with enough time i gradually explain everything and it comes together.

But it certainly doesnt work every time, at the moment ive had a lot of stuff happening in my music life that i cant even make sense of in my head, let alone try and tell it to other people. Every conversation i have about it leaves me feeling like i forgot to say all the important stuff!

And i guess there's also many situations where i cant communicate well, mostly with people im not entirely comfortable with (ie anything but my good friends or family)... i tend to rush what i say and end up saying a really boring uninformative version of the truth!
Originally posted by YaYo
I always find the task of explaining myself extremely daunting, i never know where to start and i always feel theres so much background info to tell before i even get going! But actually all my ramblings on UM have showed me how to do it a lot better, now if i have to explain something i just start, it may come out a bit of a rambling but with enough time i gradually explain everything and it comes together.

But it certainly doesnt work every time, at the moment ive had a lot of stuff happening in my music life that i cant even make sense of in my head, let alone try and tell it to other people. Every conversation i have about it leaves me feeling like i forgot to say all the important stuff!

And i guess there's also many situations where i cant communicate well, mostly with people im not entirely comfortable with (ie anything but my good friends or family)... i tend to rush what i say and end up saying a really boring uninformative version of the truth!

I feel the same way as well.
I also have a lot of thoughts on my mind and I have a difficult time stringing my thoughts onto a single and constant stream of words.
Originally posted by ‡Ärdor‡ Thë Dëströyer
Communication isn't my specialty either...It's a worse case than yours, probably. And I do not socialize that often..It is because of this that I have come to hate most of humanity. :)

Honestly... Same here!

Actaully I don't socialize *AT ALL!* But only because... I don't get out of the house but once a week and normaly on the weekend.
The only friend that I have in this world is my husband and our 2 wonderful kids.
Im sorry.

I do feel the same sometimes, but i do understand that i have it a lot better than many of the people on this board.

Being a CPA, I've been forced over the years to become a decent communicator, because I am facing clients all the time.

I went from a shy high school kid to someone who can get along with most, and talk to just about anybody. But it's always work in progress, and I'm constantly working at it.
Well..I have a hard time explaining myself too..Even to my friends...Only to my close friends/good friends can I be open..I'm a serious/thoughtful person most of the time..And while I seem predictable as of what I say on the net sometimes, IRL I'm totally unpredictable..A majority, and I'm talking like 98% here of my friends are online...All of my friends have moved away and hardly contact me as I do them, besides, it's usually impossible..I almost never go outside the house when I'm home.

I also tend to intimidate/scare/??? some people away from me with my personality...At school I usually never talk, people try to get me to talk sometimes, but only by asking questions..They say I always have this cold look..I have to agree on that, it's pretty scary, and I'm usually not even trying..Anyways, no one fucks with me, and I'm kind of glad..I wouldn't mind getting in a fight though. ;) Most Females that "befriend" me distance themselves after a while..I scare most of them. :lol:

Welp..Back on communication..I guess I do it the best online, I guess I have no fear of the public or being humiliated..
Originally posted by IgnorancePersonified
It greatly disturbs me how sometimes there is so much madness inside my head that I want to get out, but then when I try to put it into words I just become a man plagued by writer's block unable to express what I feel must be released. So I guess I will just shut up until I am stupid enough to make another post.

the real problem there, most of the time, is that especially YOU dont know what the problem is.