Compare those 2 versions

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

Ok first this is not a rate my mix thing, but I'd like you to compare those two versions of the same master. I don't want to bias anything in your comparisons so I'll just give the links and shut up, all comments are much welcome!

• Version A
• Version B

(I would suggest downloading the two (right click / save as) and importing them in your DAW to A/B them)
From my less than ideal livingroom speakers:
B has more definition, and I really like the tompart, but it also sounds a bit harsh/tiring to me. A sounds smoother at the cost of said definition. I think I would prefer to listen to A over a longer period.
I'm going with "A" although I'm still not 100% sure why. It feels "cleaner" but there was something slightly more "musical" in spots about "B"

EDIT: I should mention I'm listening on shitty pc speakers right now so I'll check again when I'm at home and can listen properly ... might revise my answer at that point
first of all the band is amazing. what's their name?

the mix is absolutely amazing! i can't hear any clear difference between the two files.
what's on your mastering buss?
I think B!

A is a bit more rounded and although that would sound good for some, I just really like the definition and clarity of B.

Anyway, so much for opinions, everyone seems divided :D
Yes, song is The Vampire From Nazareth, to me the most awesome pure metal song I've heard this year ! It totally makes me want to be a drummer.

Edit : Isn't B way louder than A ? Sounds like it on my laptop speakers

Edit 2 : for these who don't know the band, here is the CD version, it's just insanely epic And please go buy the previous albums, especially Communion (I'm not too fan of their old era, I prefer the current flavor of their music) which is by far one of the best albums I have heard in the decade ! Also, go see them live, it really is something !
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I'm hearing on my Macbook and I think I prefer A.
B is louder and more limited but A breaths better.
But they are very close.

The mix is great overall.
In my opinion, what bothers most here in little speakers is that the guitar is very low in the mix, the "orchestral" instruments are very high and sound harsh.
And the mix sounds a bit thin.
Maybe it has too much low end and not enough low mids...