Compression vs Transient designer on drums


Sinister Sound
Mar 8, 2013
Is it me or does compression sound a lot more natural on individual drums (ie kick and snare) compared to adjusting the attack on a transient designer to get punch

What does everyone else prefer to use to give their drums punch?

Compression or transient designing, and if so why?
I dont think you need much compression or transient designer on good drum samples to get punchy sound. I only use very slight compression and transient designer to reduce some sustain to get it sound tighter.
I dont know, i might just be going over the top but when im using the slate samples (only ones i have atm) i feel like there isnt enough power behind my drums, i want a pounding clicky kick drum and a fat sounding snare
Slate samples don't need much compression and little to no messing around with transient designers to get punch, they are already heavily pre-processed. Try getting more punch and aggressiveness to the track overall with mastering and working using EQ to make space for each instrument to sit in.
Yeah, especially the Snare 12 with a lot of room is really punchy and has tons of attack. Try using a lot of room with the slate samples and you shouldn't need transient designer for punchyness :P
Gujukal... I just listened to your capture the crown mix and the kick sounded really good, it sounds like the same slate kick im using even though you seem to have got more of a click to it? how did you acheive this it sounds sick haha, atm ive got mine going through an EQ and then ssl comp with attack on 30ms release on 1, threshold enough to get the meter moving to about -4

It sounds fairly good but yours sounds better :P
I'm not sure what exactly my setting were for that song but my newest mix, my kick FX chain is this:
MaxxBass, give a lot of low end without distortion.
TransientDesigner with -30% sustain
D82 Maximizer, 25% LO contour, 50% process.
EQ, 65Hz boost, 500Hz mid cut, 5000Hz boost for the click.
Comp with 5:1 ratior, 10 attack, 100 realese basic shit.
GClip veery small amount

Try to experiment with the EQ at around 2-5kHz since thats where the attack is. Also try a Maximizer plug in, it really help to bring up the attack :)
It sounded like you were using kick 10, i may be wrong :P i might have to try out a different compresser because ssl comp only has 1, 4 and 10 ratio, i think the api one has more options, i guess that 500hz cut is similar to when people say about cutting out 200?
Yes i do. I also cut på 200hz since that were the body of the snare is. I use SSL comp for mastering but i think u should be fine with a stock comp on kick. Comp is not very important on the slate sample they are already procssed. :)
Try some parallel compression.
2 ways (there are more be creative its your job)

Send your drums to two stereo buses. First one compress lightly. Nothing crazy 1-2db of gain reduction, Second one, slam it really hard. Mess around with a different settings, rations, attacks releases till it feels right. Every drummer and song is different and this will cause the compression to react differently. Also the way a drummer hits will make things change drastically, but in this style of music with the amount of sample layering, that already evens things out quite a bit.

On top of the first one, mult the snare to a few different buses and throw a distortion box on it. SansAmp, TubeScreamer, etc etc, and then bring that up to taste in the mix.