Compressor question to Mr. Sneap!


Feb 9, 2006
Maybe this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find it...

...I found a thread about how to adjust the attack time and then I wondered how much gain reduction you use on Snare and Toms and/or where to put the threshold. (Let's say for a normalized track at 0dB)


P.S.: If someone knows a link to a thread about this, tell me!:)
I guess Andy uses several snare tracks, and mixes samples with the mics tracks.
He may work with different tracks and a general bus for the snare drum I guess.
On some of the tracks, I think there's no compression, and on others there's a huge amount of comp, with loud attack, fast release, something like -15 db threshold and 8:1 ratio :D
To get the snare sound he achieves, I think he mults the tracks and uses samples a lot, with differents EQ, gates, reverbs, comps...
what i do with the threshold is set it low (-40 or so) so you get a really short smack from the snare, then play the track through, and slowly raise the threshold till the snare doesn't seem to sort of fade off during a series of quick hits, i normally end up using a -30 or so threshold, but obviously it all depends on how loud your snare track is before it hits the comp as to how you set the threshold.
crush it

Also remember to get your snare to stick out when mastered you will have to mix it a bit louder. do the same with your kick

As you hear with a lot of sneaps mixes the kick and snare are very high in the mix with the OHs very low
cobhc said:
...but obviously it all depends on how loud your snare track is before it hits the comp as to how you set the threshold.

That's why I assumed a normalized track at 0db.

Add: Played by a good drummer who knows how to hit the drums!:)
pharrell said:
crush it

Also remember to get your snare to stick out when mastered you will have to mix it a bit louder. do the same with your kick

As you hear with a lot of sneaps mixes the kick and snare are very high in the mix with the OHs very low

Thanks! I already thought about asking a question about this. I always have to boost snare and kick in mixes before mastering. If you listen to it unmastered Drums seem to be too loud and I wondered if this is normal!:rock:

chadsxe said:
Please don't do that...

Don't be afraid, I don't do that! :)

I said 'assume'! I think it's easier to compare things with idealized Values.

Example: Someone says he sets the threshold to xy and the ratio to xy, this won't tell me anything about gain reduction or whatever, as long as I don't know which values the peaks in the track have. So I thought it would be more informative to 'assume' a certain Value(in this case 0dB for the Peaks).:goggly:
