Computer Help Thread

General Zaroff

Registered Lunatic
May 28, 2007
Ship Trap Island
In this thread, we fix computer problems.

Diagnose this:

For youtube, the video shows up and plays but sound isn't working.

MySpace music player won't play the sound either.

I'm using FireFox browser.
Check preferences and shit for firefox. Check for updates. Check the firefox FAQ. Do we look like tech support?
...or not. IE is complete shit.

Why? I've always found IE less buggy on the whole. People seem to like to bitch about it for no reason.

Anyway, yeah, look for patches to Firefox, and if that doesn't work, reinstall it.
Why? I've always found IE less buggy on the whole. People seem to like to bitch about it for no reason.

Anyway, yeah, look for patches to Firefox, and if that doesn't work, reinstall it.

I already uninstalled/reinstalled. I've spent 2 hours trying to fix it. Still nothing.

It might be an audio codec problem.

I'll look into that although I usually have codec problems with downloaded vids rather than myspace/youtube.
Clear your cache. That usually fixes that problem.

Tools>Options>Privacy>Clear Now button

If that doesn't work, update Flash.

Let me know if that helps.

I have a question. I'm looking for a good video editing program that is free/cheap as fuck/pirateable, works on Vista (so that eliminates Sony Vegas Pro 8), and has some cool effects and whatnot. I make a lot of YouTube videos and I'm fucking tired of dealing with fucking Windows Movie Maker. It is impossible to time anything on that damn program. I'll time, say, inserting a caption correctly one time and the next time I watch the vid it is off by a couple of seconds. I usually put music in and music shifts around as well. It's a bitch in a bitch basket to deal with and I was hoping somebody around here could recommend a better program, or at least point me in the right direction. I've looked on and couldn't find one that satisfied me.
Mathiäs;7297827 said:
That won't fucking do anything

I've used it before to fix YouTube bugs where videos wouldn't finish, they'd stop right in the middle and go to that little end screen with the related videos scrolling. It does help clear up bugs and such from Flash player. The second method would probably be more effective, but this method is quick, easy, and may have a good impact on his problem. It certainly wouldn't hurt anything.

Why don't you stop criticizing my methods and recommendations and come up with your own?

1349: Codecs don't effect Flash at all. If the problem is strictly in Flash player, which is what YouTube and Myspace Music run on, then updating Flash really is the best course. I recommend that everybody update Flash, as a matter of fact, because an exploit is being used to plant viruses in the older versions, and said exploit is fixed in the latest patch.