Computer Help Thread

What version of Flash are you using? Just search google for "about flash" and click the first link.

I had terrible Flash issues in FF and not in IE. The problem has been almost alleviated now that I am using the Flash 10 pre-release.

I don't like to use IE, especially with the lack of add-ons like FF has, but I do when FF is fucking up.
Set a windows system restore point and try this:

Flash No Sound WaveMapper Solution

1. Launch Registry Editor by typing regedit at Run command.
2. Navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionDrivers32
3. On the right pane, and check for existance of “wavemapper” registry subkey, the mail culprit causing Flash no sound. If not found, create a new String value named “wavemapper”, and give the entry value “msacm32.drv”.

If wavemapper entry is already existed, ensure that its value data is “msacm32.drv”.

Also ensure and verify that the msacm32.drv driver file is existing in C:WindowsSystem32 folder. If the file is missing in that location, search for other copy of msacm32.drv in the computer, or copy that file from another system.
Make sure you restart the system to apply registry changes. In case this does not fix it, try this.

Paging Cryptal to this thread.

I have a question. I'm looking for a good video editing program that is free/cheap as fuck/pirateable, works on Vista (so that eliminates Sony Vegas Pro 8), and has some cool effects and whatnot. I make a lot of YouTube videos and I'm fucking tired of dealing with fucking Windows Movie Maker.
Ulead VideoStuio
Pinnacle Studio
Adobe Premiere (Powerful as fuck but expensive.. Elements version works fine for minor editing jobs)
The following is a video of my friend playing cello:

I'm not posting this for your amusement, but because this is one of many videos that, for me, don't load correctly on YouTube. I can hear the sound perfectly, but the video shows up distorted, often many jumbled colors in pixels that constantly shift across the screen. I use Firefox, I've updated my adobe flash, and the damn thing still continues to give me problems. Does anyone have any ideas?
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No error occurred for me, so I'm going to go on a limb and say the video codec being used is fucking up (which is what is causing the compression artifacting).

I have no idea how to fix it.

If anything, download chrome, update flash for it and see if it works then. I've found chrome to be far more stable than firefox, and with the speed dial extension the main page becomes far more attractive.
Thanks Pessimism.

I did all that, and it still doesn't work. I don't know if my computer has something on it that's inhibiting it when it tries to load YouTube videos, but it's frustrating. If anyone else has any ideas I'd appreciate it; otherwise, I'm going to have to ask a technician or something.