Computer runs slower on location!? Please help!


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
At first i'll give you the info of my remote recording stuff:

Intel core2duo 1.8ghz
Gigabyte 965P-DS3
2gb ddr2 800mhz ram
500gb disk 7500rpm

Digirack 002 (Pro Tools 8.02)
Audient asp008 (adat connected)

And now the experience:

Yesterday i was going to record drums for a band at their location. So i set up everything right and tried to record 8 tracks simultaneously. It recorded 1s and then it stopped because of the lack of buffer. It sayed i should increase the buffer size... but you know, if i increase the buffer size the drummer will hear himself with some latency. So i packed up everything and went home... i tried the same thing at home and it worked normal on the lowest buffer. No interruptions! Today i went back to try it again and the same problem occurred. We tryed to connect the computer to other sockets in the house and it didn't work either.

So... what is the problem? Is it that the computer doesn't get enough power? ..if so, what can i do to make it work?!

When you are at home, is it connected to the internet? Some spam/virus/malware will freak out if it is disconnected from the internet.
Yes... its always connected to the internet ... so what can i do to get rid of this? :\

EDIT: Actually i tried it at home before i connected to the internet...and it worked fine! So i don't think that's the problem...or is it? :\
Wipe the drive, reinstall the OS and never connect it to the internet again? That's what I would do at least.

Most of the time you will never find exactly what is causing this problem. I would start by completely removing programs you don't need for recording, including virus scanners, anti spam, things like messaging software, etc.

Then I'd install something like AVG, get as much crap off the PC as you can find, then uninstall AVG.

Also, turn off any type of auto update service running for any programs. These can cause issues too.

But like I said, you can spend days trying to figure this out, and still have an issue. I'd do a clean reinstall. But that's IMO.
Tnx man! I guess i'll do that tomorrow... have done it half a year ago... so it's about time! I'll get back to this and report!
I had an issue like this looong ago with my digi001 and it turned out that the power was browning out due to terrible wiring in the building. This may not be your issue but power is always a concern in new places.
@egan.: How did you solve the issue? Will a power conditioner work ?
I had this problem, and believe it or not but it was actually from vibrations, as mentioned above. Only happened with one old system though, never anything more recent
Hey guys...

Tomorrow i'm borrowing an UPC unit from a friend... we'll see if that works... but as Metaltastic said, maybe i'll need a voltage stabilizer. Will see.

@skesis268: I put the computer on the floor, table,etc ... its not the issue ...even the playback doesn't work on the lowest drops out after a second.

Will keep u posted tomorrow! tnx guys!
Never had this problem but for some reason your daw seems to know that its in a different building .
Could it be searching for something thats no longer available ?
Could it be preoccupied ?
How warm is the new building? My comp tends to run alot worse if it's in a warm room and sometimes it causes pops and clicks at lower latencies where if its cold it doesn't
The room is large... like... a little warehouse... but the temparature is at 21°C all the time. i finished today the recordin. I didn't get an UPC unit so i solved it like that:

We recorded the drums without monitoring... only click track from the computer.
When we recorded bass i went to a DI, the parallel out went to my PODxt and the POD line out went to a headphone mixer. Also the click track and the drums went to the same headphone mixer... so i bypassed the computer for monitoring (oldsql style)...i did the same thing for guitar (will reamp it later) and will do the same thing for vocals tomorrow!

I'm recording next week at a different location... will see what happens! :)

I think i would need a expensive power supply for clean power to solve this! such money in my pocket at the moment! :)

Tnx guys for your help!