Concert Behavior

at ozzfest 04 in san antonio people started to mosh when the banners for Slayer came on. there wasn't any music nothing, just the banners slowling coming on stage and there were some pits going on already.
jerk said:
I was at the Saskatoon show on the 7th. Mikael was playing a slow part and this motherfucker comes and screams like a fucking pig. (Mikael called him a pig later on in the show). He kept doing that and it was almost louder than the show. I yelled at him, "HEY! SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU'RE RUINING IT!". He stopped for a while then kept doing it. He'd scream for like 10-20 seconds at a time. It pissed me off so much.

That's when beating the fuck out of some idiot is justified.
Same thing happend in 03, here in Denmark. This guy just keeps screaming for songs, when they were playing a totally different one, everybody told him to shut up. Then he starts screaming at the band, that they suck and shouldnt come and play here. I mean, why the hell would you pay for a ticket, and come to the show and talk shit about the band, I dont get it, and he wouldnt stop. After 10-15 min, the guards finally told him to leave.
I have a broken foot because of some fat, shirtless, moshing motherfucker at a BUCKETHEAD show last week.

Headbanging is good, as long as the person has showered recently. Don't flip your B.O about for the surrounding 10 feet of people to gag on.
opeth8 said:
I think Mike like's us over here. That's why Opeth returns to the US semiannually. I also remember Mike saying Opeth fans in Sweden were stubborn & spoiled or something to that effect. Opeth loves the US & the US loves Opeth.
Umm... The last Opeth gig in Stockholm was amazing and the interaction between the band and the audience was great. Mike couldn't have been joking around about it, could he? Naaah. He never does. ;)

The US has a bit more Opeth fans than Sweden does though, but Sweden being a coutry of only 8 million people, it's not that surprising.
atrocity said:
Don't get me wrong but it's American crowd that sucks.. Go see Opeth in Europe, guys, then you'll see people singing along to accoustic parts of songs rather than screaming ,then you will see people who are concentrated on Opeth rather than moshing/crowd surfing etc.
In general people in Europe seem to be more respectful towards others than in the US. For example, I hate going to the movies in the US, because there's always people talking to each other damn loudly, destroying it for the others that are there to actually watch the movie. I have yet to see it happen in the movie theaters over here.

But then again, these are just my own observations and I might be wrong. I might just have only gone to the bad places in the US and only the good places in Europe. Who knows? Has anybody else had similar or opposite experiences with this?
people mosh at buckethead? :erk:

Stilgar said:
But then again, these are just my own observations and I might be wrong. I might just have only gone to the bad places in the US and only the good places in Europe. Who knows? Has anybody else had similar or opposite experiences with this?
As someone from the US, no, I agree with you totally.
Everytime I'm seeing an Opeth show in Seattle... people KNOW how to act. I've never had an unpleasant show in Seattle.

On the other hand, they travelled to Spokane this time across the Cascade Mountains. Little different. Spokane is filled with NOOBS. I was taking part in the whole carrying up the crowd surfers up to the front... and watching the rest of the people there just kinda getting their asses kicked in the head by these people. It was pretty funny. The crowd surfing was annoying at first, but it was pretty fucking cool because I was the only one not getting knocked over(I was also in front center... pretty much the best spot in the house).

Oh yeah. Mariachi clapping does not work when listening to the acoustic part of The Drapery Falls.

Spokane... you fail. Especially the kids I bumped into who were making out in the mosh pit... they fell on their asses... and got pissed off at me. WTF?